My Craft Bucket List

For New Years this year my honey and I wrote our bucket lists. Well…to be perfectly honest, I wrote mine and he sat there wondering why I was writing one.

I started thinking that I need a craft bucket list. I always say to myself that I am going to learn how to do this or that, but I don’t always make a concerted effort to do said thing.  Maybe if I had a bucket list I would hold myself more accountable. After all, this year alone I am going to get to cross at least one thing off my New Years bucket list!

My list after the jump!

Our Craft Bucket Lists are slightly on the manic side but only because we have oh so many craft interests.

Melissa’s Craft Bucket List:

  1. Get more of my photography published
  2. Sell at least 5 of my photographs to collectors
  3. Have a quilt I designed published
  4. FINISH a knitted sweater (I’ve ripped apart at least 6 in the past 8 years)
  5. Sew at least one outfit for Anne
  6. Bake a pie
  7. Publish one of my knitting patterns
  8. Teach Anne to knit and quilt (like my mom taught me)
  9. Learn how to sew in a zipper
  10. Learn how to make a buttonhole
  11. Cook at least 10 recipes out of my Joy of Cooking cookbook (for some reason that book really intimidates me!)
  12. Go on a weekend cooking retreat and a weekend sewing retreat (might not happen for the next 17 years, but I’ve always wanted to do it)
  13. Learn how to use Photoshop to manipulate my pictures (right now I only know how to do the most basic things – I have rested more on the ability to take a good image)
  14. Teach Anne how to cook – I refuse to send her to college without a solid knowledge of the basics in a kitchen!
  15. Take more chances!

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