Work It Wednesday

Woohoo! Hump Day yet again! This week and really the next two I will be working on the same project, which is so not like me. 

Do you see all those BOXES?!?  That’s right Brother Lover’s, we’re finally MOVING!!!  Our close day, bearing no more construction delays (we’ve only had one so far) is the 26th of May!  So it goes without saying that I will be doing a lot of packing and cleaning between now and then.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to let my creativity remain all pent up during this process. I will still have a lot of nap times between now and the 26th when I will need to be relatively quiet. Here is some fabric that I will be working with between now and then.

Yes, it is all bright and obnoxious. No, I’m not telling what I’m making.  That would ruin the fun of it.  I didn’t pick out these fabrics, these are from a kit that my mom bought YEARS ago and she gave it to me over mother’s day to help in the efforts of keeping me occupied during nap time.  The only problem is that at least 2 fabrics are missing along with one pattern piece 🙁  On the upside, I think it will be relatively easy to replace the fabrics with simple solids and the pattern piece I can remake out of paper, would have been nice to have the hard plastic one that came with the kit though.

What are you working on this week?

2 thoughts on “Work It Wednesday”

  1. Happy packing! Glad you've got a little project to work on. Good to have a little mental break for moving preparation every day!

  2. I am working on my first ever bow that I have sold!! And maybe some shorts and a jumper for my kiddos in matching fabric!

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