Mystery QAL Update

I have finally finished part 2 of the Mystery Quilt Along that I have been working on from the Quiltmaker Magazine.  Here is what my blocks look like so far:

Part 2 only blocks

Parts 1 & 2 together

I am still trying to figure out exactly what this quilt is going to look like. So far all I can think is the block from Part 2 remind me of argyle socks and sweaters. 

If nothing else these blocks are providing me with some ideas for a new argyle quilt design 🙂

What do you think? What QALs are you participating in this summer?

2 thoughts on “Mystery QAL Update”

  1. That quilt will be vibrant!!! I've never donea mystery quilt or QAL, but I'll but up for it once my kids are out of diapers;) Love the name of your blog!

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