Sponsor Love – Fat Quarter Shop

Do you love Fat Quarter Shop?  I do!  They have sew much to offer and the best part is that you can get in one stop, in one shipment and you get that shipment FAST!

Have you seen their new collection of downloadable patterns and quilt kits “It’s Sew Emma“?  I love quilting kits – all the work is done for you except the sewing! These are perfect for me, when I’m running low on time and want to be able to make a quilt for someone special and I am ALWAYS running low on time!

This quilt would be PERFECT for my friend Lisa’s son – he is having a Dr. Seuss birthday party in November.  Don’t you think it would be great for a 3 year old?

This quilt would be perfect for either of my two nieces.  They love pink and I think it is just grown up enough that in 2 or 3 years they will still really love it!  What I really love about these patterns is that you can purchase just the pattern, which provides you with the fabric requirements so you can completely personalize it OR you can can purchase the entire quilt kit.  I love that I can purchase the entire kit because it makes my life easier when I am in a pinch.

You may have noticed that I am also hugely into Christmas lately – what with my Christmas quilt blocks and the Christmas Block Swap that I co-host with Sunni from Love Affair With My Brother on Flickr. Fat Quarter Shop’sChristmas Cloth Shop” is a one stop shopping experience for all thing Christmas fabric related!  They have the newest lines and offer both modern and traditionally inspired choices.

They have EVERY Christmas collection you can think of, here are a few of my personal favorites:

(I know – two Seuss items in one post – I can’t help myself, I love Max and Cindy Lou Who)

What is your favorite line that the Fat Quarter Shop offers?  It’s ok, if you can’t pick just one – I clearly can’t either 🙂


5 thoughts on “Sponsor Love – Fat Quarter Shop”

  1. I'm not usually into Christmas fabric, but I really love the Grinch line. Especially since it has Cindy Lou Who and Max!

  2. Love all the Dr. Seuss fabric for sure and he will definitely be getting a Seuss quilt!! 🙂 Hope they will have the Grinch line still when I have the extra money to get it!

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