We Decorated

Yesterday my hubby and I braved my mom’s attic – her house is 90 years old and one wrong step up there will land you in the dinning room below – and rescued all the Christmas decorations.

I should be upfront and honest – the vast majority of the boxes in my mom’s attic belong to me – I have a GINORMOUS nutcracker collection. I have been collecting them since I was 13. They range in size from 2 inches to 3.5 feet tall.  Anne had never seen one before because last year at age one we didn’t want to put them out. This year we only put out a handful of the sturdier ones and are still contemplating putting them away…we shall see.

She was definitely a fan when we first started decorating.

Then she got a little bored and pulled out a puzzle…

And here is our tree. It is a small fake tree up on a table. I am allergic to the real deal so fake it is!  The up on a table part is convenient because it makes it that much harder for Anne and the cat to pull down ornaments!

Are you all decorated for the holidays?

If you haven’t already make sure and enter the giveaway for a $25.00 Intrepid Thread gift certificate!

NOTE: Don’t forget, I am one of the bloggers who is going to lose Google Friend Connect in March 2012, please take a moment and follow me via Bloglovin’, Facebook, RSS or networked blogs.  You are important to me and I want to be able to stay in contact with you!  Check my side bar for all the best ways to stay in touch after GFC goes bye bye!

7 thoughts on “We Decorated”

  1. We “decorated” las weekend, but I use that term loosely. With a 4-year-old and a 2-year-old in the house, nothing breakable comes out anymore. And our tree? Well, let’s just say that all of the ornaments went to the top 1/3 of the tree within about three hours after the tree went up. They just can’t help themselves! It looks pretty funny, actually. 🙂

  2. I think a fake tree may be a purchase in the very near future for us. Just found out I am allergic to pine, so avoidance of the real deal in my house is probably a good idea! I hope you get to keep the nutcrackers out. I love them! 🙂

  3. Looks beautiful Melissa! We have a fake tree too…the real one’s dried out to quickly b/c of our pellet stove. The artificial tree, we can leave up longer. Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas my friend!

  4. Hi, we put our tree up two days after Thanksgiving just to let it settle a little before we put anything on it. We decorated the outside and inside before we did the tree a fake one allergic to the real thing, allergic to all trees. Our cat didn’t try to climb into the tree but we didn’t put anything that would break at the bottom 1/3 of the tree. We have two dogs and two cats so with waging tails and cats paws anything that would break is up at least two feet. Have a happy Christmas.

  5. All done. I just found a vintage table cloth today from an antique store that I plan to put on the dinner table.
    Too bad you are allergic. A lot of people are.

  6. My tree is up,also fake,as of last year. However I haven’t decorated it because I don’t want Midas to damage any of my handmade ornaments!

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