Let’s Play A Game

I went shopping! I have a project I will be starting next week – I will be doing something I’ve only done it once before – so there is a definite learning curve involved for me.

Ok, what will I be working on?!?

27 thoughts on “Let’s Play A Game”

  1. Michelle Olsen

    I’m going to say hand quilting. If it was embroidery, I’d think you’d be using embroidery floss & embroidery needles. For hand quilting, it’s normally perle cotton, but it looks like your thread is hand quilting thread, and the between needles will work for hand quilting…plus you have a big 12″ hoop and a thimble, so hand quilting is my final answer 🙂 lol

  2. Yup, hand quilting. I have not done this but am in a quilt along that is hand sewing the blocks so I guess I will be learning to hand quilt too.

  3. I agree with everyone else – hand quilting. Nice thread!

    I won’t be joining you in this segment!

  4. Looks like a lotta work, to me! Otherwise known as hand quilting. Have fun – it always comes out really nice, but I’m just not sure it’s worth the time & effort!

  5. Since I embroider I don’t think I’ve ever used quilting needles so I’d have to say you are going to do some pretty hand quilting. Have fun!

  6. Would definitely be doing some handquilting. I’ll join you, am doing some right now. Trying to finish off some Christmas table runners that I probably hand sewed at least 10 yrs ago. Good luck! It’s not as hard as it seems, and looks.

  7. I will follow the majority on the “hand quilting” answer but will embellish a bit further by saying you are going to be making a beautiful crazy quilt block!!

  8. You’re going to hand-quilt your Sew Happy Quilt, I betcha! LOL Now, what I would like to know, is how you will hand-quilt it….will you use an all-over pattern, like fans, or will you tailor your stitching to each particular block? Looking forward to seeing it!

  9. I’m really not sure given the lack of any fabric in your goodies from your shopping trip. Hmmm I’m going to guess you are going to be doing a hooped applique and hand embroidery wall hanging where your embroidery will be allowing some areas to poof out a bit because of the batting.

  10. Definitely hand quilting! That looks like batting at the top–not something you would use in embroidery–at least not to sew on.

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