Do you want to guest post?

As I have mentioned a few times recently my family has a lot going on these days with some big changes on the very immediate horizon.  I can’t talk about everything just yet and I promise that in the middle of May I will explain most, if not all, of what is going on.  In the mean time…I need to take a few days off from the blog and I really don’t want to just go silent…

Is anyone out there interested in guest posting? It doesn’t have to be a tutorial or even quilting related, just something fun you would like to share that you think my wonderful readers would be interested in.

I would really appreciate the help! Please let me know in the comments and I will email you!

Thank you!!!

7 thoughts on “Do you want to guest post?”

  1. Hi Melissa,
    I could do a post of a list of new books coming out related to quilting or fabric design???
    Thinking of you a ton,

  2. I would love to do a guest post! Just let me know if you need me and if you have any topics in mind. If you don’t, I will come up with something!

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