Mountains & Valleys

Last month I made this block:

Flying Geese

I really liked it and my Flickr friend Kritta22 helped me decide that this would be a great block for the Sampler Hive that I am in for the 3×6 bee. I decided to make a test block in my own colors because I want to make sure that it ends up in my quilt too.

Mountains & Valleys

Next I worked on BrightAngelBaby’s block – her colors were Purple, Teal, White and Gray. I asked if I could eliminate the gray and she said that would work for her. So here is her block:

Mountains & Valleys

Next I worked on peachykeenquilt’s block. She requested Pink, Aqua, Red and White. I had a little bit of Ruby by Bonnie & Camille left so I decided to use them. Here is her block:

Mountains & Valleys

I hope my bee mates like these. I have 4 more blocks to make for this hive and all six to make for my other hive.  There will be a lot more bee block posts in my future!

What are you working on this week?

7 thoughts on “Mountains & Valleys”

  1. Love my block! 🙂 And the others too! Wish I had some Ruby to do my block for her too! 🙂

  2. The fabrics and colors used really make the each block look so different! I can’t decide which one I like best, but fortunately, I don’t have to. =)

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