Charity Quilt

This weekend I needed a break from bee blocks and I decided to work on something for someone I had never met. At the beginning of the month I went to the Bay Area Modern Quilt Guild meeting and I picked up a charity quilt kit. It had everything I needed, pre-made binding, backing, batting and 16 already constructed quilt blocks. The instructions were to do as much of the quilt as I felt comfortable with and bring it to the next meeting I attend.   I got the whole quilt done.

Here’s a close up of the quilting – all straight line quilting.

I love how cute it turned out and I hope whoever receives it truly enjoys it.

Did you make anything this weekend?

19 thoughts on “Charity Quilt”

  1. Love it!! Sometimes it is the small, and simple looking projects that are the absolute best!

  2. So pretty! I began hand-quilting a Christmas quilt for the family my son is living with (out of state) this summer. Hopefully it will go fast….!

  3. It’s cute as can be, and will be treasured, I know. Your quilting looks super! I didn’t quilt this weekend. I’m about to go work on a thing or two that I started last week, though.

  4. What a good idea to do with scrappy pieces – are they 2-1/2″ squares? Or what size? It would be easy to cut scraps into blocks as I go, and then on a rainy day, piece together some blocks. It’s all fun!

  5. That is so fantastic (both the quilt and the post!). I love the scrappy binding and the different color threads you used for the quilting.

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