Bee Blocks

This month one of my bees is on a break, I haven’t received fabric for my other one yet, and 2 of them have come to an end but that hasn’t stopped me from making bee blocks!  I made 2 blocks for my friend H2OGirl who blogs at Fiber of All Sorts. She was kind enough to make some blocks for me when it was my month in Sew Bee Blissful and she isn’t even in the bee! So when she asked me to do the same, I happily said yes!  She gave us lovely yummy colors of yellows, browns, blues, and grays with a white background. The guidance she gave us was that each block have a triangle or HST in it.  I have to say it was almost TOO much freedom, lucky for me, I actually spent the month of May not sleeping and designing quilts out of nothing but HSTs and QSTs. Here’s what I came up with.

For this block I busted out my 60 degree Tri Recs ruler and cut 6 triangles. Quick and easy hexagon block!

This one is my personal favorite. I have actually designed 2 quilts around this block and I have to say I think the fabrics just really sing in this block. Can’t you hear them?

So these are them, the bee blocks I made for July. I might end up making 2 more when I get my fabric for Sew Bee Blissful, but it is coming from Germany and the post is sometimes slow coming from overseas.  I am still waiting on a few more blocks to come in from the 3×6 bee, but as soon as I have them all I will post pictures – they are really lovely!

Oh yeah, if you saw my post from yesterday, I managed to be even more terrible with the “fabric intake”. I bought 10 yards of batting – in my defense it was on sale!

If you haven’t already, make sure you check out the QAL that Jenna from SewHappyGeek and I are co-hosting, Sew Intertwined. It is going to be so much fun!

12 thoughts on “Bee Blocks”

  1. I love the blocks, yes the 2nd block sings very nicely LOL love the color combination. What is the name of the block – I would love to make one for my block collection…I call it that because I am having so much fun making different blocks that I haven’t purposed them yet. 🙂

  2. Those are fabulous, the second one in particular! Hopefully the USPS will push your fabric along soon- I’m hoping any day now, but the way my luck is running lately… LOL

  3. If I had to choose one of those as a fav I would be hard pressed to do it. I think they are both great and I love the colors. Those are not my colors but for some reason they jumped right out at me when I saw them. 🙂 Awesome!

  4. Your block designs are fab! I especially love the triangle shapes. As soon as I finish completely changing my sewing room I’m going to bring out my rulers.

  5. Agnes B. Bullock

    LOVE the blocks! Favorite is number 2, and I hope that you are able to do a tutorial on both soon- am afraid of hst’s but the second block makes me want to give them a whirl (or two or three)

    Good luck at the doctor MOnday-

  6. I love the bee blocks SO much! I hope you get to make a quilt out of that one eventually! 🙂

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