Don’t Faint – I’m Swooning Again!

Do you remember back in January, February, March and April I posted Swoon blocks? Haven’t seen any from me in awhile, have you? Well, I am Swooning again, please don’t faint or anything. I finally tracked down all the fabric I needed and then I stopped sewing blocks. There are lots of reasons why: deployment, sick toddler, sick mommy, company, and tons of other projects.  Excuses excuses! Back to the Swooning already!  In the last 2 days I have made 2 new blocks!  I guess they would be my May and June Blocks. I’m hoping in the next several days I can get done my July and August blocks, then I would be back on track for 1 block per month. We’ll see – I don’t want to set myself up for failure, right now I just want to celebrate actually getting some swooning done!

Now you might be saying to yourself, “WOOHOO! 2/3 of the way done, only 3 blocks to go!” Well…let’s not jump the gun, I decided to go King Size remember? So I actually have 10 more blocks to go!  This is the never ending quilt project!  (And as a side note, can I just tell you how hard it was to get this picture, the blocks are so ginormous I practically needed a wide angle lens! I have no idea where I will lay them out from now on for pictures because I certainly do not have enough floor space in my sewing room!)

Now in totally non-quilting related news…I have decided to take on a Home Dec projects of sorts. This is really not my thing, but it is something I am really excited about. I am going to re-do my circa 1980s desk/dresser for Anne’s bedroom! Here is a really hideous before picture – it currently lives in my butler’s pantry downstairs just off my kitchen.

The white things are from our child safety lock days (don’t need them now – see picture below for explanation). The pictures on top are our family portraits from Anne’s First Birthday, the extra adults are my wonderful parents!

The drawers are all jamb packed with year books and photo albums. They are so heavy I can barely open them so I don’t worry about Anne getting into them, plus we are darn near out of the open ever drawer and cabinet stage – thank heavens!!!

So today I will be working on emptying the drawers and storing the books and photo albums. Anne will probably happily help me out with this chore and we are also going blueberry picking again!  Should be a fun day!  What’s on your agenda?

15 thoughts on “Don’t Faint – I’m Swooning Again!”

  1. Oh….I love your swoons! Maybe someday for me. Good to have other projects to work on too. You’re so productive!!


  2. These are amazing! Totally freak me out! I love the colors and design. Can’t wait to see what you do with the dresser! xxx

  3. Oh I love all your swoons! The yellow and aqua just screams summer to me. Good luck on refinishing the desk. Can’t wait to see how it turns out. I am contemplating refinishing one I have that was my sisters before I was even around. After 30+ years I think it needs an update.

  4. Love your Swoon blocks and I knew you would get back to them! I hope you and Anne have fun today emptying drawers and I can’t wait to see what you do with this chest!

  5. Your blocks are amazing! Like, I can’t even pick a favorite. Maybe the one with the orange dots, but seriously, they’re all lovely. 😉

    I’ve managed to acquire quite the stash of the Salt Air line and am hoping to turn them into a big ol’ Swoon for our bedroom…then have hubby paint the room to match. Likelihood of this happening in our current house, a zillion to one, LOL.

  6. Happy swooning! Whilst I hate to say ‘never’, I think I’m safe to say it’s highly unlikely I’ll ever swoon!

    1. How funny! I was just telling my bestie I was thinking of using some chalk board paint in the re-do! Thank you so much Carrie!!!

  7. Congrats on getting caught up, or partially at least. At this rate, you’ll be done by next spring, and that makes a wonderful spring/summer quilt, so it’s perfect timing! We are hanging inside today – lots and lots of smoke from several forest fires in our area. Air quality is bad, bad, bad, and we don’t have air conditioning. Trying not to complain, but I’m mostly sad for all the forest that is just burning up in Idaho!

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