
I have company today! Two of my closest friends in the world. Not a day goes by when I don’t talk to both of these people. Can you guess who they might be?!?

My mom and dad!!!

Yup, I’m a little excited to see them! Today is their 40th wedding anniversary – wow!  I am so excited Anne and I get to spend it with them.

In other news – Anne started gymnastics this week! I decided to sign her up for it to get her moving and also because I thought it would be good for developing her listening skills and following directions skills. She did so great! Here is a picture of her ready to go to her first night!

She just looks so grown up to me with her hair pulled back! When did that happen?!?

Kristy has a great pattern review on her blog today of the Birdiful Stitches E-Reader Cover. Head on over to check it out and you can enter to win this very same pattern here.

I hope you all have a great weekend! Make sure you stop by tomorrow for a pattern review and GIVEAWAY! Oh yeah, and Sunday I have a great tutorial for you too!

9 thoughts on “Company!”

  1. Congratulations to your parents! Gregg and I have been together 40 years also! A great coincidence…
    Get ready for the olympics!!!! She looks adorable! (very determined! LOL)

  2. Wow, I was going to say, she really does look grown up with her hair pulled back! My hair was curly, like hers, and it didn’t really grow to any length until I was about 4, so I had a number of ‘top knot’ years, glad she’s got more!

    Have fun with your parents, hope they have a great anniversary 🙂

  3. Oh, my, yes, she looks just like a little gymnast! I love the purple and orange thing she has going on. Those are the Phoenix Suns colors! =) Happy anniversary to your folks. 40 years is a lovely long time, but not nearly long enough, I’m sure they’d agree.

  4. Hope you have a wonderful time with your parents and tell them Happy Anniversary!! Wow does Anne look different and ……..grown up with her hair back, I hope she had a lot of fun!

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