Throw a Wench in the Works – E-Reader Tutorial

Hi Everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Mine was bittersweet, I love seeing my parents but I really hated having to say good-bye to them. Our visits are never long enough!

Today my blogging friend Ella from Throw a Wench in the Works has a fantastic tutorial on her blog for an iPad sleeve.  I first met Ella as part of Sew Bee Blissful and she has quickly become a wonderful friend.  She is INCREDIBLY talented. Just check out her finished iPad sleeve – isn’t it gorgeous!

ipad sleeveGo check out her tutorial and leave her some comment love! Oh yeah, make one too!

This post is part of the Hopeful Threads Remember September project!

Badge 3As of last night we were at 33 donations, 1/3 of our goal!

4 thoughts on “Throw a Wench in the Works – E-Reader Tutorial”

  1. Was just over at Ella’s and left her some comment love. I think I can handle her pattern. hehe. Pictures to follow.

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