Pumpkin Hunting

Happy Hump Day Everyone!  Yesterday Anne and I had such a fun day.  It was sunny out and according to the forecast it wasn’t supposed to rain (it had been raining straight since Friday). Well, silly me, I believed the forecast. That will teach me! I told Anne that after kindergym (organized chaos for 2-4 year olds) we would head up to the pumpkin patch, then I decided that before we went to the pumpkin patch we needed to pick up rain boots, after all we were heading to the pumpkin patch after 4 days straight of rain.  Turns out that was my smartest move yet!

We got to Hunter’s Pumpkin Patch and the sun was shining brightly and it was so warm we left our raincoats in the car (are you seeing a problem…because I didn’t).  We started out in the Hay Maze (smaller than the corn maze which guaranteed me that I wouldn’t have to carry a tired toddler back out).

Then we found a HUGE slide!

Then all of a sudden the huge pumpkins became rather interesting…

We took the tractor pulled wagon on out to the pumpkin patch, Anne loved the ride.

Now what you aren’t seeing is any pictures of us picking pumpkins because as soon as we got into the actual pumpkin patch, the skies opened up and dumped buckets and buckets of rain on us. It was the fastest pumpkin picking session ever!!!  By the time we got back we were fairly well soaked.

Do you like our new boots?!?  Considering we didn’t have our raincoats I was mighty happy to have our rain boots!

14 thoughts on “Pumpkin Hunting”

  1. Dawn Hollingsworth

    Makes we want to take my granddaughter to the pumpkin patch!! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  2. What a great series of pictures. Even if it rained at the end, you got your beautiful pumpkins, and what a lot of fun you had before it rained! Yes, love the boots. I don’t think I’ve ever owned a pair of rainboots in my life. Doesn’t rain much in the desert, and here I just don’t go out if it’s raining.

  3. What a great photos and Anne looks too cute in that hat! Love both of your new boots and it looks like you had a wonderful time even with the rain.

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