Blogger’s Quilt Festival – Quilted Crossroads

This is my first time participating in the Blogger’s Quilt Festival hosted by Amy at Amy’s Creative Side. Make sure you head on over and visit some of the other participants. There are so many incredibly talented people out there in blog land!

So the quilt I decided to enter I actually made last year shortly before my husband’s deployment to Afghanistan. I really felt like I was at a Crossroads in my life. He was leaving again (not by choice of course) and Anne and I had to figure out a new routine and life without him. Not an easy thing to do for a 2.5 year old. As I was playing in EQ7 one night this design came together and the quilt came together even faster.

I chose the colors teal and purple because they are calming and beautiful to me. They were the colors at my wedding and have always represented strength to me, something that the spouse and family members who stay at home during deployments need.

What I loved most about making this quilt was the fact that each night I worked on it, my husband sat in my sewing room with me and we talked and watched Mash re-runs as I sewed. It couldn’t have been more perfect (usually when I’m sewing he is off playing a video game).

I decided to keep with solids for the big version, though I did a wall hanging for Anne’s room of just 4 blocks (not set on point) and she has prints in her crisscrosses.

Here is a close up of one of the crosses.

I decided to do simple free motion stippling on my home machine in all of the background fabrics. For my backing I used a whole cloth, high thread count muslin. I love how soft muslin gets but most especially, I love not having to piece the back! And let me tell, the back looks really cool with the quilting.

This quilt just makes me happy. Many hours were spent snuggling underneath it with Anne while daddy was gone, and on mornings now when she gets up super early we still find ourselves cuddled together on her bed underneath it.

Quilted Crossroads Stats

Finished Quilt Measure: 51″ x 68″
Special Techniques Used: Block assembly from outside in
Quilted By: Melissa Dunworth (Myself)
Best Category: Favorite Throw Quilt

If you like this pattern and want to make one with your own special spin, I am happy to announce that it is now for sale on at a special rate of $5.00. Please go here to purchase.

Thank you for visiting!!!

24 thoughts on “Blogger’s Quilt Festival – Quilted Crossroads”

  1. Beautiful quilt – and I love the movement in it! I’m glad it brought you two comfort during deployment. I know how difficult it can be to wait at home for a serving soldier.

  2. This is a very pretty quilt. I love the pattern. The color choices are wonderful too.

  3. LOVE that design – and as soon as I can find my credit card, I’m going to snap it up! I’m thinking that I’ll be using solids, but I just might mix it up with one print….

  4. You already know I love this pattern! 🙂 So excited to have been the first customer! 🙂

  5. A beautiful quilt,and an even more beautiful story behind it 🙂 Memories are one of my favorite perks of Life! Good Luck Melissa!

  6. That is amazing! I really like the way the teal and purple work with the black and white. I loved your description of the time you spent with DH while sewing it. Paul and I loved to watch the MASH programs together. I could almost speak the parts, we watched them so often. =)

  7. Love your color choices on this quilt. I would have bought your pattern just from seeing your quilt pictures, but the story behind it made me want to buy it even more. Thank you for your service to our country while your hero was deployed. You may not wear the uniform, but you and your daughter are serving in your own way. When I use this pattern to make my own quilt I will be sure to pray for your family.

  8. I saw this posted on Contemporary Cloth’s FaceBook page. WOW! What a beautiful story that goes along with the quilt. I’m so glad your husband is home!

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