August Bee Blocks

August is a light month for bee blocks, well, July was even lighter, as I didn’t make any. This month I only have 2 blocks for Do. Good Stitches Trust Circle. We are working on another boy quilt, which is fun but hard for me, as I have WAY more girl prints than boy prints. It took me probably 3 times as long to pick out fabrics than it did to make the actual blocks. Does that ever happen to anyone else?

Trust Circle - Do Good Stitches - August 2013 Blocks

We were asked for primary colors in Red, Orange, Yellow, Green and Blue, we were also told that novelty prints were fine. Thank goodness! The tutorial is from The Sometimes Crafter and the block is called {Patchwork} Square in a Square.  Most of my seams matched up fairly well, but there were a couple that…well, let’s just say don’t look too closely.

That’s it for August as far as bee blocks go. I am still deciding whether or not I want to sign up for 3×6 in the fall. I need about 12 more blocks for the quilt I’ve been working on but I think I need a bit of a break since my RA medications got changed again and I am just so exhausted now. The saying goes “Better living through chemistry” but right now I’m not so sure that is true, then again, living without the chemistry wasn’t so much better than now…

Have a happy Wednesday. Shanna and I will be here tomorrow with your mid-month linky party, I hope everyone is making good progress on their goals!

8 thoughts on “August Bee Blocks”

  1. That happens to me all the time! I have made no progress on my goals 🙁 I think the soft and stable is on a slow boat from TX…

  2. I do tend to take a long time to pick fabrics for others sometimes. I want them to feel good about what I make them. What if you do individual swaps with people? You can set your own deadline like December or March of next year. That way you can make blocks as you can and you get more blocks yourself 🙂

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