August A Lovely Year of Finishes – Mid Month Check In

We have made it to the middle of the month, for some this means being that much closer to school starting, for others the school year has already begun. I am struggling with the concept of school right now as my little one will be starting preschool in just under a month. That all being said, you either have lots of sewing time right now because everyone is back in school or you are squeezing in a last few fun trips before the summer ends. I’m somewhere in between.

I’ve been slowly plugging along on my goal for the month. I finished the quilting on the Purple quilt and I’m now working on the binding. I am hand binding, which for me and my terrible hands is truly a labor of love. Next I will bury all the threads.

I decided to use the beautiful pearl bracelets for my backing and a nice solid black for the binding. Hopefully I will be able to finish soon!

Your turn! Show us your progress! You can link up here or with Shanna but you don’t have to link up twice!

Don’t forget to visit our wonderful sponsors this month! They make our link ups sew much more fun!

August Prizes Include:

 1. Choice of $15 or 2 charm packs from Stitch n’ Giggles

2. $25.00 Gift Certificate to Superior Threads

3. Riley Blake Designs – fat quarter bundle {one of their latest lines}

4.  $15.00 Gift Certificate to Fat Quarter Shop

5. Paper Pieces prize donated from Paper Pieces

6. Quilting Patterns designed by Quilting Lodge

This party will be open for 7 days, so you have lots of time to link up! Try and visit at least 2 other people who are linked up and encourage them along with some lovely comments!

4 thoughts on “August A Lovely Year of Finishes – Mid Month Check In”

  1. It is so beautiful! So excited for your finish! I am plugging along with my goal. But so far nothing to show for it except for the blankets that will be sewn onto the nap mats! Had fun with some super sheddy (is that a word? … well it is now!) minky that I am using for one of the blanket. It was everywhere and required a good vacuuming of my whole living room! Hope to have at least one finished today!

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