Dutchman’s Puzzle

I am participating in my guild’s Block of the Month, you can too if you like, just check out South Sound MQG.  Our Vice President, Bethany from Sew I’m Pressed, did the tutorial for October, a Dutchman’s Puzzle.  She also set us a little challenge, for our charity blocks we were to make the block using a Cool Color and in 2 different values.  This was a challenge for me (I have always felt that color is my biggest weakness), I had to keep re-reading the excellent tutorials that Bethany provided in the tutorial.

Here is my charity block:

I took the picture above and switched it to black and white view in Picasa to see how I did on the whole color value thing. I’m pretty sure I got it right, but I guess I will find out at the next meeting, November 6th.

Are you participating in any Block of the Month programs? You are welcome to join in with my guild, the tutorials are all free and over on our guild blog.


11 thoughts on “Dutchman’s Puzzle”

  1. Yep, Look s like great contrast. I present our Guild BOM at every mtg and have gotten our patterns from Quilter’s cache. I try to highlight a tip to help the newbie and maybe teach something new to the pros, too.

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