Week 3 Goals

So I’m thinking of starting each week by setting a goal for myself. I’m hoping this will help me stay on track with the things I need to get done. Nothing outrageous, just easy and doable.

This week my goal is to get all of my geese pieced and finish my January goal for A Lovely Year of Finishes.  I know it seems really early in the month to be talking about finishing, but the Riley Blake challenge deadline is creeping up fast and I need lots of time to make that entire quilt (start to finish). I also still have to get my Do. Good Stitches blocks done.

Here is my progress from this weekend. I got my red, pink, orange and yellow geese done. I still need to do green, light blue/aqua, dark blue/navy and purple.

Flying Stripper Geese Progress - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comWhat are you working on this week?


9 thoughts on “Week 3 Goals”

  1. Doing the same thing. Listing a few things each week so hopefully I can keep on task and get the things I want done – done. That is looking great on the design wall! Good Luck!

  2. Go you! I have a deadline of Thursday for something, and yet I went over to my gran’s tonight (at her request), didn’t get home til late, and have now only just finished dinner at 10:30! I suspect I won’t be sewing tonight…

  3. Melissa,this quilt is just to die for! Love,love,love the geese strips 🙂 Weekly goals are a good idea. This week I am also working on finishing up my ALYOF goal too,half way there…

  4. Beautiful and bright quilt! I hope your weekly goal setting plan works out! When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I end up making a list to follow and it really gets me back on track!

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