Week 12 Goals

This week I have no sewing related goals. If sewing happens, woohoo! If not, I will get over it.

On Saturday night Anne came down with a fever and ended up being admitted to the hospital with a kidney infection. Fast forward to last night when we came home. We are all exhausted. I spent both nights in the hospital with her and my amazing husband only left late at night to return early in the morning with supplies like clean clothes and my toothbrush.  Lucky for us we already have a kidney appointment scheduled on Friday at the Children’s Hospital so we will be following up there.

I hope everyone else had a significantly better weekend than we did!!!

I will be back tomorrow with Wordless Wednesday. I was supposed to have a tutorial for Kim at Persimon Dreams, but I have rescheduled because I just can’t write a tutorial and take care of a sick Anne. Kim is amazing and totally understanding, but make sure you head over there tomorrow and check her next tutorial for the 52 Traditional Twisted Quilt Blocks!  Also, if you follow Project Quilting (which I sponsor!!!) the final challenge for Season 5 was announced on Sunday, make sure you check it out! If the timing of everything had been a bit different I would totally be participating in this one!



11 thoughts on “Week 12 Goals”

  1. Wishing you a cozy week of tending to your girl. Snuggled under some quilts, the world always seems like a safer, more orderly place. (Enough excitement already!) xxx Beth

  2. Susan the farm quilter

    Prayers for you and sweet Anne! Horrible for mommy when our babies are sick! Looking forward to good news on her health soon!!

  3. Prayers for good news on Friday and Anne’s continued recovery. I’m so sorry you had such a stressful weekend. I hope you have time for a few quilt dreams as you care for Anne. I’m so glad your DH is home right now!

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