Wordless Wednesday – Caption It!

I like to do a lot of straight line quilting on my quilts. I did some last week and here is my pile of tape when I was all done. Unfortunately I bought a cheap off brand and it was only good for one line at a time and sometimes not even the one line.  Lesson learned – sometimes it is worth it to pay for the name brand stuff!  Caption it!

Blue Tape Quilting - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comToday is the last day to enter my Craftsy Giveaway so make sure you don’t miss out!


10 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – Caption It!”

  1. Roses are red, cheap tape is blue, I need to stitch straight line, why won’t you stay glued???

  2. The government ran out of red tape and had to substitute blue.

    An iron can fix that for you.

    Not such a sticky wicket.

    Singing the unsticky blues.

  3. Lisa C in Dallas

    I agree — name brand for this and for masking tape. Learned that lesson the hard way.

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