May Participant Feature! A Lovely Year of Finishes

ALYoF2014One of the things that Shanna and I like best about A Lovely Year of Finishes in 2014 is the participant feature post we are doing each month! It has been so much fun to learn more about the amazing quilters and sewists who join up with us every month!

This month our feature comes all the way from Czech Republic, you may know her as Vera @ Negligent Style.

Blog name: Negligent style

Blog address:

Name you’re known by throughout quilting world: Vera @ Negligent style

What’s your ALYoF goal this month? My goal is to make a bag out of Echino. I’m not using any specific pattern but I would like to end up with a messenger type of bag.


How do you approach your sewing goals? I need to have a deadline on my goal and I have to put the WiP piece in a visible place. If I’m really into something I need to finish it quick while the interest last.

How do you organize/prioritize your projects? The most important is date. Priority goes to presents for certain occasions/dates and I like to get involved in QALs which also have specific dates for final linky party. I do admit I’m not very organized and procrastinate a lot.

What is your current favorite project that you are working on? Will you share pictures with us?

I love rainbow projects and I wanted to try the Hex N More ruler for a while so I combined those two which resulted in my current favorite WiP called Mini Disco. Hopefully it’ll become full size quilt with the splash of rainbow across. Here’s a peak.


What is your dream project to work on? I sort of had my dream come true and I would like to do it again. My friend, who runs fabric store, sent me her fabrics and I made her a quilt for display in her store and quilt market booth. I got to play with wide range of fabrics and the layout was up to me which I enjoyed very much.


What is your favorite time of day to sew? That would be morning hours or any other with good daylight.

What is your favorite quilting/sewing accessory? I couldn’t possibly live without my ¼” patchwork foot with guide. That thing makes my seams even which is quite handy since I tend to be negligent 🙂

What is your number one quilting/sewing goal for 2014? My number one goal is to keep on having fun with what I do. I hate to feel obligated.

What is one technique you really want to learn? I want to get better and learn more about FMQ. I took the first steps already.

Thank you so much for joining us today Vera! Make sure you hop over to Vera’s blog and check her out, she is truly an inspiring quilter!!!

5 thoughts on “May Participant Feature! A Lovely Year of Finishes”

  1. It’s nice to see you profile Vera. Her blog is one of my favourites and definitely worth taking the time to check it out.

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