I Finished! May Finish – A Lovely Year of Finishes

Nothing like waiting until the very last minute to show my finish, right? I actually finished the top for this quilt about a week ago. Then I started making the back because I got a bit obsessed and then because I just couldn’t walk away, I quilted it too!  Next up is binding and then pattern writing. Overall I am going to declare May a very successful month!

Flowering Lonestar Outside - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comI couldn’t get a very good shot outside of the back, it was windy (as you might be able to tell in the picture above) and when I got inside and looked at the pictures they were all blurry. Darn you nature for messing with my quilt pictures!

Back Mini Lonestars - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comI cannot wait to get this quilt bound! I am definitely entering it into our county fair this year, even if no one else loves it, I do!

Quilt Stats:

Quilt Name: Flowering Lonestar
Fabrics: Kona Steel and Modern Poppy
Thread: Aurifil 50wt Grey SmokeDesigned & Quilted by: Melissa Dunworth (that’s me!)
Size: 50″ x 50″

Did you finish on time? Make sure you link up here, we have some truly awesome prizes that are up for grabs to those people who were able to git er done this month!

I will hopefully be sending this pattern to my testers by the middle of the month!  I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday!


25 thoughts on “I Finished! May Finish – A Lovely Year of Finishes”

  1. Cindy Dahlgren

    Love this pattern and would love to help you test it out. I’ve been quilting for 3 years now.

  2. You are not the last to finish. I just finished mine and need to go take pictures. You should enter this into the fair! I love this pattern and look forward to its release. What you have done on the back is so pretty. It’s another great pattern in itself. I have one question… how in the world did you get all those perfectly even circles?

  3. Wow it is brilliant, I love those colours and the quilting looks great, I’ve circular quilted before but never that close together – well done.

  4. I love it, too! Green is my favorite color, and lime green best of all, so of course I love it! Besides, it’s a super design and the quilting is just the perfect choice for the design. Great job! I don’t think I could pick between the two you did. Yay, pattern!

  5. Who doesn’t love that quilt top? It’s fantastic! And I am crazy about the star in the center of the back. Nicely done, Melissa. And thanks for the reminder about linking up. I had completely forgotten and made it just in the nick of time.

  6. Valerie Reynolds

    Awesome finish!!! I’d like to personally invite you to share this on June 10th at our Tuesday Archives linky….that week’s theme will be: Diamonds! Stop by: myplvl.blogspot.com

  7. You HAVE to enter it. It’s gorgeous. I love the stain glass looking star on the back. Hey…..I love it all.

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