Week 24 Goals

I have lots of sewing projects to show off this week, if I could only get them photographed! Anne wore a dress I made her 2 weeks ago every single day last week and I didn’t manage to snap a picture of her once. She is just always on the move that girl.

This week I am working on the Modern Quilt Guild Michael Miller challenge. Our guild has a secondary challenge to use at least 3 of the fabrics. I am using all of them, and on the front this time too.  I have a design in mind. Here is a sneak peek.

Micheal Miller Sneak Peek - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comI’m envisioning this being square and finishing around 60×60. Today I am going to work on the center strip and see where I land. For the fans, I am using the long skinny ruler in the picture – it is a 10 degree wedge. I have it next to my standard dresden ruler because I was trying to give my mom a size comparison when we were on FaceTime last night. The ruler can do upwards of a 50″ circle but I didn’t have quite enough fabric to accomplish the 50″, I only had enough to do a 48″ half circle.  I was all set with that plan when the idea of breaking them up into corners hit like lightening and I really love the direction it is going so far. Thank goodness for the design walls, they truly help me push my creative process!

Are you doing the Michael Miller Challenge too?


12 thoughts on “Week 24 Goals”

  1. i’m working on mine too, any excuse to play with fabrics. lol you’ve got some extra collection fabric, the multi colored atomics, love to have some of that for the back. Are you lovin the feel of the fabric now, much softer and smoother and lighter, i love it. one of these days i need to do some fans.

  2. Love the quilt Melissa ! What a great use of that ruler — certainly got me thinking about what I could do! Thank you!

  3. I love this twist and update on Dresden Plate. I can’t wait to see where you go next, with it.

  4. Liking it so far! And maybe you’ll just have to put Anne’s dress on a hanger and take a picture for posting 🙂

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