June Do Good Stitches

This month the Do. Good Stitches block was a bit of a challenge for me. It had 100 pieces, all measuring 2″ x 2″.  We followed this great tutorial from Feeling Crafty.  It is an interesting technique that involves laying all of your pieces of fabric out on a piece of fusible stabilizer and fusing them before sewing them. Go check it out! The block went together super fast considering all the pieces.

Trust Circle - Do Good Stitches - June 2014 - Low Volume Cross BlockI still have so much to do over the next week. I really feel a bit manic my list is so long.  TOO MUCH STRESS!

Have a happy happy weekend!


8 thoughts on “June Do Good Stitches”

  1. I did that after a workshop at retreat in 2006 from Crooked Nickle. It was diagonally, but what a great technique. I’m glad to see others picking up on the idea. It’s perfect for this block! And you iron it down, so nothing gets out of order!

  2. It’s beautiful. At least you can check, one little thing off that great big list.

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