I’m still alive!

If there are rumors floating around that I’ve disappeared, I am happy to report that they are greatly exaggerated!

I’m alive and well. I’ve been sewing my heart out on these preschool quilts! 3 are done! Threads need to be buried and the teachers need to write the labels but amazing progress has been made.

Preschool QuiltingHere is a pic of me binding it, this is my method for turning the backing into the binding, check out my tutorials to learn this fast and easy method!

In other news the floors are ripped out where the fridge leaked and I’m waiting on the floor company to figure out if we can match.  Anne has had some pretty stressful doctor appointments too, but I think that may be mostly behind us until March, so that’s good.

How are all of you doing? I’ve really missed everyone!



7 thoughts on “I’m still alive!”

  1. Congratulations !!! You are making a lot of progress on those quilts. Completely understand about doctors appointments – had our share this week too 🙂

  2. I thought that was probably what you were doing, since you mentioned the deadline was looming. Either that or the floor. It’s taking them a while to see if they can match, isn’t it? I’m glad Anne is through the stressful doctor’s appointments for a while, or most of them. That means you’ll be able to de-stress, too! Sometimes it’s nice to be in a bubble of quilting and no computer distractions. Another day to cross off the calendar! =)

  3. so glad you’re still among the living and still sewing. Those floors sure are taking a long time to resolve. I’d be so frustrated. Glad Anne is through the rough stuff for now. Chin up girl, one day at a time…..

  4. They are going to be adorable all finished and you’ll have such a sense of accomplishment, not to mention freedom to move on to something else. Well done!

  5. I wish I was as productive! I’m in Texas taking care of my granddaughters (7 years old and 19 months) so there isn’t too much sewing of any sort going on. This is my second week here and they both got colds, I got the flu (totally not fair cuz I did get my shot)! Nothing like feeling totally awful and trying to keep up with kids! I do have my sewing machine and hope to get to play with fabric this week!

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