Disappearing Act – An Explanation

I know, I haven’t been the most consistent blogger this year, between personal family disasters and my home being torn apart for new floors things have been crazy.  This time though, I have a very positive reason for disappearing, and if you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, I bet you already know why…

Homecoming 2015 - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.com

That’s right! Anne’s daddy came home over the weekend! After 9 very very long months our family is whole again.

homecoming 2015 - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comYesterday, was the first day I have sewn since my hubs got home and I finished up all of the teacher gifts. The mug rugs turned out beautiful, now Anne and I need to go pick out coffee mugs to go with them!

2015 Teacher Gifts - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comSorry for the blurry picture. I took it with my phone while standing on top of an office chair that spins, holding onto the ceiling to steady myself (yup, good thing I don’t work for anyone else or OSHA would be all over me for that one! LOL).

I hope everyone has a very happy Thursday!


16 thoughts on “Disappearing Act – An Explanation”

  1. so glad for you that he is home! Wonderful! Love those smiling faces. The mug rugs are adorable, but please be careful taking photos! 🙂

  2. I smiled at how you took the photo. I do that, too, and always think the same thing about OSHA! I love the family pictures! This is so great. I know it was a LONG nine months!

  3. Thank Anne’s daddy for his service, an thank you for the sacrifices you have made while he is gone. So glad you are back as a family once again!!!

  4. That’s wonderful that your family is together again and that your husband is home safely. Great picture of all of you. Your mug rugs turned out beautiful.

  5. Your smiles say it all-so happy for you and your family. And may I add a thank you to all 3 of you who have sacrificed with Anne’s daddy’s service to our country! Happy Memorial Day weekend!

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