August do. Good Stitches Block

This month the Trust Circle for do. Good Stitches was asked at make just one block – the block measures 22″ x 22″.

Trust Circle - Do Good Stitches - August 2016This is the Triple Irish Chain block, tutorial can be found here on the Quilting Company’s website.  What I liked about this tutorial is that most of the block is assembled with strip piecing, making it go together super quickly. I could see this being a quilt you could assemble really fast if you wanted.

In other news, I have found that my charity sewing continues to be a huge part of what drives me to quilt and sew, so I will soon be starting a new adventure with a quilting friend, look for information on that next month.

This week I am hoping to quilt a do. Good Stitches quilt and get it donated before I head out of town on Thursday. Hopefully I can be super productive and get it done!


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