Waiting for light

Last night I worked for almost 2 hours on my star wall hanging that I am hand quilting for my moms Mother’s Day gift. I am paying the price this morning. Was going to take pictures, but let’s face it, the lighting at 9 pm at night is not ideal for any photo taking!

The lighting is still not that great, I tried flash but it just washed out the stitching. What you may not be able to see is the stitching in the center square and the stitching in the blue star points. That’s ok, I know it is there. If we ever have another sunny day I will try to take a picture outside. I am going to take tonight off from stitch because I way overdid it last night.

Here is a sneak peak at a secret project that I started working on last night.

This is the color palette for my next original quilt design. I started working on my test blocks yesterday and while I love how my first block turned out, I think I need to make a few tweaks to make it more manageable and easier to explain. Do you like the colors?

That’s all for me today! I will be taking it easy on my hands for the next few days…they are screaming at me today and advil isn’t helping…yet.

Oh yeah, and did you notice that I have disappeared from Google Friend Connect?!? Well I did, in fact one of my buddies only re-found me yesterday! The best ways to keep up with me are listed in my sidebar – Facebook and Twitter are where I hang out the most.

8 thoughts on “Waiting for light”

  1. Your mom will love it! I remember hand quilting, it does take time and your work is beautiful! Love the colors for your new design!

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