More Mountains

I finished all of my bee blocks for one of the two hives I am in for the 3×6 bee.

Moutains & Valleys

I am really happy with how they turned out. I hope all of my bee mates like them. I still have 8 more blocks to make this month, here’s hoping I can get them all done!

Today I am going hopping with my bee mate Krista. I am really excited to meet her in person and the coolest part is that I get to deliver her block to her in person.  Krista, my friend Dawn, and a friend of Krista’s are all meeting up in Kent, WA for the Western Washington Quilt Shop Hop! I’m not going to be taking my big camera with me because Anne is joining us too and I don’t think that managing camera and toddler will be a good scene. I will have my camera phone though, so hopefully I will have a few pictures for you.

Wish us some shopping hop luck!

15 thoughts on “More Mountains”

  1. They look wonderful! I’m imagining this as a scrappy quilt, too, and it would be so perfect! I’m jealous you are doing the West WA shop hop – I’ve seen that list of shops! Someone else will probably have pictures to share with you. How wonderful to meet friends from online, too, and go together!

  2. I love these all together! They would make a cool quilt! I’m sure they will also look great in the sampler but good design to keep in mind for the future.

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