Confession Time

We have lived in our house for 13+ months. We are the first owners and it was brand spanking new when we moved in.  That isn’t the confession, the confession is that we have done almost ZERO decorating in our house during the last 13 months!  There were a lot of expenses that never occurred to us when we bought our home…like window coverings.  There weren’t even BLINDS when we moved in!  That was a fast $3,000!  We moved from a 1,400 square foot one story home to a 2,600 square foot 2 story home – we didn’t even have a bedroom set for our master bedroom – hello IKEA!  Needless to say some things have just never been taken care of, partly out of laziness, partly because I really hate decorating, but mostly because it is a brand new home and if it has involved making any kind of hole in the wall I have shied away from it.

Yesterday that all changed thanks to the wonderful help of my Father-in-Law – our master bedroom finally got CURTAINS!!! Which means I am no longer waking up at the crack of dawn (literally). The window on the right faces East!  The quilt is my original design and please don’t judge the pictures on the ground…I swear they will get hung up someday!  I really want to get a table for our little seating area in our room, either that or bring up the Hope Chest from California that my mom said I could have…

The only problem is that there are three small windows behind our bed that are still uncovered. I’m not quite sure what to do with them, and now that all of the other windows are covered, I do really want to do SOMETHING with them, I’m just don’t really know what. I’m totally open to suggestions, and from the expression on her face…I think Anne is quite shocked they are still naked!

Oh yeah, and no judging my Target bed set – the king size Swoon quilt is a work in progress!  The goal is for it to someday take up residence here…you know when I have spare time to work on it – LOL!

And now for the gratuitous cute picture of Anne – because I really can’t help myself!

If you haven’t already, make sure to take a few minutes to go enter to win my first ever custom fat quarter bundle!

17 thoughts on “Confession Time”

  1. Little Miss AM is absolutely a little ham for the camera. She has such a beautiful smile. You need to some quilt racks to hang on your walls and then you can switch out quilts to display and never have to put more holes in the walls. And a tiny dab of ‘spackle’ will fill those holes if they are too noticeable when you decide to move the picture.

  2. It looks great! Isn’t it wonderful how the simplest things can make such a difference! And that AM is a doll baby! 🙂

  3. I always enjoy seeing Anne, what a cutie! I think it is time to put some wall hanging up, maybe a shelf over the 3 windows. I’m not a great decorator…..

  4. I will start looking for ideas for the little windows for you. She is SO stinking cute! I love the new curtains, but you probably already knew that. On a totally unrelated note, your sidebar as I write this has reminded me I need to make some shorts for the July project tonight. Time to bust out the serger and get it done! 🙂

  5. Yay for curtains!
    I always get the rooms that others see done and set first, our poor master……
    Love the pics of Anne, such a great smile face.

  6. great pictures!! I have been in this house for 6 years and I still don’t have curtains in my master bed or in some of the others……so don’t feel too bad…!

  7. Giggle! Would you believe that after 26 years in our house, I MIGHT get a valance made for the master….maybe, this summer? Heehee! Love your gratuitous smiley pictures – she’s such a doll!

  8. We moved into a house recently too, from our RV, where NOTHING could be hung on the walls for fear of hitting wires or plumbing. After living in that for 5 years, I got accustomed to having bare walls, so when we moved into our home, and painted, I understand your not wanting to put holes in the walls! Eventually, I got over it, and I’ve hung a couple of things – all quilties! But strictly to soften the sounds, since we, too, have no curtains. We do have blinds on every window, and the windows here are huge, and most of ’em are topped with a half-circle. All very Mediterranean looking, so, there they sit.

    I agree that your little over the bed windows do need some dressing – but I don’t think I’d do more than a valance that covers just about 1/3 – 1/2 of ’em. And I’d put it on a black wrought iron cafe curtain rod, with scrollies on the ends, to mach your bed. But, hey, that’s just me. 🙂 Your room – you can certainly do as you wish!

    Cute kiddo pix!

  9. Oh yeah, she’s stunned by that lack of curtains 😉 I have a worse confession, I bought this flat as a student and had to furnish the whole thing – yeah, Ikea budget range anyone?! I’ve not had much chance to upgrade since, but I do need to suck it up some time and get decorating – I’m thinking early next year once the roof is fixed…

  10. No judging here…we’ve lived in Texas for 3.5 years and we still have packed boxes. The best part is, as you know, we are moving to Georgia in 6 months. Hey, on the bright side…that’s less stuff to pack since it was never unpacked. LOL

  11. Hey Melissa, Your place looks fantastic. And, of course, I love the images of the interior designer………..SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! You were right! I love these pics!!!!!! xxxxxxx

  12. How long have we been in our place and how much is still not done? Of course we rent and for the first five or so years we didn’t think we would be staying LOL. Need to get those boxes and such out of the dining room so we can actually use it.

    As for those windows, if you don’t want drapes, how about those clear stained glass cling things that filter some of the light but give nice shadows and such?

  13. Don’t worry, your house will come together. Anne’s little sweet face is the only decor you need. I have trouble decorating too. It didn’t used to be a problem but now I just can’t seem to make up my mind about what I want where.

    Love your house, you will get there and looking forward to you quilt.

  14. I’d make a long, narrow quilt to match some of your swoon colors (since that will go with the swoon quilt!) and hang that, either as a padded valance, or just a regular valance. It’s something you can whip up in no time, right? =)

  15. Oh, man, Melissa, I am right there with you on decorating! Painting is as far as I venture. :/ I don’t necessarily hate it, but I don’t have an imagination and I know we can’t really afford anything. We’ve never bought furniture. Slipcovers are awesome!
    That is so great your FIL is helping and I bet you will find a friend who is very talented in this area and help you. 🙂

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