Still Recovering

So I started my new medication this weekend. There were some pretty nauseating side-effects – literally!  Every time I sat for longer than 10 minutes the nausea would just start to roll over me in waves. If I sat even longer than the the vertigo would set it and my head would start pounding. The worst part is that the pamphlet the doctor gave me on the drug said it can take upwards of 12 weeks for the meds to start fully working! What? I have to wait until Thanksgiving to start feeling better?!? Ugh!

The nice thing about the nausea (I know kinda sick to say there was a nice thing but I’m all about find the silver lining) is that I got quite a lot accomplished in the sewing room and with my home dec dresser project. Unfortunately I am still having these symptoms so sitting at my computer and editing photos for this post is not very appealing right now. Hopefully I will have more energy for that tonight.  In the meantime, say a prayer that I adjust to the new meds quickly because this nausea is getting really old really fast and it is hard to have fun with my baby.

In other news, wish Anne luck, today she goes to see the dentist for her 3rd visit. I made her a special bag (pictures tomorrow I hope) that I am going to give the receptionist when we check in. I’m going to ask that they put all her goodies into it (toothpaste, toothbrush, flossers, etc.) so she has an extra special bag to take home. My little attempt at making the dentist a good thing. I used my Berenstain Bears fabric and before bed last night we read The Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist. I’m hoping it goes well.

How was your weekend?

14 thoughts on “Still Recovering”

  1. Melissa,
    What a smart mother you are!!!!!!! Such a great idea for Anne!
    Gosh, I hope that the nausea ends soon, I am so sorry to hear that it is continuing and may go for a while. Thinking of you. xxx Sondra

  2. Sorry to hear about your vertigo. I’ve experienced it myself and it is miserable. Prayers that it ends soon and the medication helps your hands.

  3. Wonderful ideas to help Anne with the dentist visit! Sure hope that the pamphlet is WRONG and you adjust much more quickly to the medicine! Praying for you, m’dear!

  4. OH, you poor thing. Saying a prayer that those bad side effects will be gone soon.
    Good to make the dentist fun. I hated the dentist when I was a kid but things are much better now for kids.

  5. Oh my, that medications sounds horrid but I hope the work wonderfully and the side-effects are gone very soon. You like to swoon but not literally;)

    The bag to the dentist is such a cute idea.

  6. UGH! worst part of new meds is either waiting for them to kick in or waiting for the side effects to lessen. good luck with both!!

    sounds like a fun trip to the dentist – I never got around to one I liked until I was well into my 30’s!! Hope Anne’s visits go much better!

  7. Increíble su fuerza Melissa ,siempre sigo su blog ,porque amo la costura.Me atrevo a hacerle este comentario porque esta usted enseñando como enfrentar situaciones difíciles.1000 cariños.

  8. Good luck to Anne & the dentist. The bag should help for sure! I feel for you with the side effects & the drugs. There’s not much worse than nausea & vertigo from meds,,and then trying to figure out which is worse–the problem or the side effects! Good luck.

  9. So sorry to hear about all the un-plesant side effects of the new meds. Hope that they are however taking away the pain? Great idea to make the bag for the Dentist visit!

  10. Hi sweetheart. Oh, I’m sorry to hear about the extremely unpleasant side effects of the new treatment. May I offer a gentle suggestion? Thinking about dealing with them until Thanksgiving might be daunting. Getting through the day from one mile-marker to another is more do-able, and bearable.

    When I was working and barely hanging on, John would call me and say, “Hey, only two hours until lunch. You can make it through two hours, right?” and I could, although when I’d been thinking about it in a more big picture way (as in, how will I ever be able to keep doing this?), I felt overwhelmed and not up to the task.

    So, let Thanksgiving take care of itself for awhile. Just get through the time from Anne’s bathtime until bedtime. And then give yourself a gold star for doing so.

    xxx Beth

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