A Little Something Special

Yesterday I took Anne to the dentist, she was well prepared for it. Her favorite episode of The Berenstain Bears is when Sister Bear has a loose tooth and she loves the Berenstain Bears Visit the Dentist book too.  I decided to take it one step further and make a special Berenstain Bears bag for all the little things she would get at her appointment: toothbrush, toothpaste, flossers and prize.  Check it out!

I had to add a couple of girly touches for my girly girl. I fussy cut the front and back, and the front was smaller than the back so I added some of the pink dots on white. For the inside I did white dots on pink. I couldn’t resist throwing in some ribbon for the handles.

It was such a simple little project, probably took me no more than 30 minutes on Sunday night, but look at the results it got:

Positively Priceless! She let the hygienist brush, floss, and put fluoride on her teeth – I was one proud mommy! Today I am heading up to the hospital to pick up some of Anne’s medications and to inquire as to whether or not I can get some anti-nausea medication because if I am going to stay on the new RA drugs I need to be able to function on them!

And because I can’t resist putting up ridiculously cute pictures of my baby girl – here is my mom’s favorite from yesterday!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday!


18 thoughts on “A Little Something Special”

  1. oh my your bag is absolutely ingenius. Such a special treat for Anne. These are some of the things that will be remebered for a long time. Maybe passed down. Hope things work out and you start to feel better soon.

  2. What a doll! Sure hope daddy has internet access “over there” and can see his baby girl! The bag was an inspired idea! Hope you will feel better soon!

  3. Both my children are into the Berenstain bears right now, and that fabric would make them happy I think. Good idea on the bag for the dentist visit, helps it feel more special. Should have done that!
    And your girl is a cutie!

  4. Kudos to you mom 😉 The 30 minute bag was obviously a big it! Isn’t it amazing that the smallest thing can be so important?

  5. She is such a cutie! And who could resist making things for such an appreciative child. I hope that if the RA meds are working well that you are able to sort out and deal with the side effects.

  6. Score one for you with such a good visit to the dentist! I have three friends with RA and it’s an insidious disease. One has received great treatment at medical center in SLC – I could get name of his doc if you’d like?

  7. Wow, cute girl and cute bag. Amazing you sewed it up so fast.
    Good luck with the meds, so frustrating to have it help one thing and then cause another problem

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