Fat Quarter Shop Highlight and Giveaway

If you are here looking for the next tutorial for the Sew Intertwined QAL, my apologies, I have been sick and it will be up tomorrow I promise! In the meantime, let me make it up to you with a wonderful giveaway from Fat Quarter Shop!

I shop frequently at Fat Quarter Shop – they carry so many lines that I can almost always find what I am looking for. One of the things I like best about their store is the Coming Soon section. It is so much fun to be able to plan my projects ahead of time, I also love the feature of having them email you as soon as a line is in stock. This allows you to literally place your order the day they have the fabric in hand! Woohoo!  I recently did this with fabric for a friend’s baby quilt. I think I had my fat quarter bundle in hand within 5 days of it being available for order (I would have had it sooner but I waited 2 days to place my order).

As always there are about 25 different lines out that I want to buy, so I thought I would share a couple with you, later you can tell me what your favorite line is!

I’m usually not a green person but I love this line!

Gorgeous Color Palette

This is my latest favorite color combo!

And now for the yummy giveaway! A Jelly Roll of the beautiful new line by Aneela Hoey, Sew Stitchy!

So make sure you head on over to the Jolly Jabber and read all about the Sew Stitchy Collection and Aneela Hoey!

Now how do you enter…follow the directions on the Rafflecopter below and I will announce the winner next Thursday!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck everyone!

9 thoughts on “Fat Quarter Shop Highlight and Giveaway”

  1. I hope you feel better soon! Glad I have an extra day to keep catching up before the next tutorial goes up 🙂

  2. Aw, sweetie, I was so hoping that the doc would have something to help you! Take it easy, now, and try to resist that nausea….hope it eases up. Hugs to you… 🙂

  3. I am following that QAL – but haven’t sewn any of it. I like to wait to everything is over, then jump in! haha!~
    I would love to win this pretty jelly roll!

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