January 2014 Winners – A Lovely Year of Finishes

ALYoF 2014 LGWe did it! We finished the first month of 2014 with 172 finishes!!! Everyone give yourselves a big round of applause and a good pat on the back! Shanna and I knew you had it in you!

We have some amazing sponsors this year that keep making this fun.

Mr. Random (upon verification) chose these as our winners.

January Prizes Include:

 1, 2. TWO winners each getting to choose one pdf pattern
from Sew BitterSweet Designs ($10 value)

3. Quilting Patterns designed by Quilting Lodge

 Jess from One English Teacher 

4. Persimon Dreams – Project Quilting Mystery Bundle


 KatieQ from Katie’s Salt Marsh Path 

5. Thread Prize from Aurifil

Deb from asimplelife Quilts

6. Green Fairy Quilts – 3 pdf patterns

Beth from Hello Quilt Lady

7, 8. Honey, Bunny and Doll – 2 Patterns

Honey, Bunny, and Doll

 Jo from Ramblin’ Rows
Deborah from Sunshine Through The Rain

9. Sew Sweetness – 1 pdf Pattern

Sew Sweetness

 Heather from Heather’s Creative Blessings

 How fun to share all these prizes.

Please go and say hello to the winners and show the love to our sponsors!


And remember the last day for your ONE February goal setting is TODAY.

 It really will be a lovely year of finishes!


9 thoughts on “January 2014 Winners – A Lovely Year of Finishes”

  1. Congratulations to all the winners! But as Melissa and Shanna say; we are all winners. People tell me that I’m lucky to have this hobby. And my sister-in-law says that she has never seen a person getting so happy just to have got a new fat quarter or some scraps. Myself I think it’s so great to have friends around the world who can inspire me to do what I like the best. Thank you all!

  2. Congratulations to the prize winners,and also all the rest of us Winners too! Thank you to Melissa,Shanna,and all of the Sweet sponsors too 🙂 You are the icing on the finishes!

  3. Congrats to all the winners…and a big thank you to Melissa, Shanna and to all the sponsors, without all of you, these linky parties would not be possible. Thanks for making it sEw much fun…now I better join the February goal setting linky party. Happy stitching, Pauline

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