A Lovely Year of Finishes – Musings


A Lovely Year of Finishes

The past 15 months have been so amazing!

You have seriously blown Shanna and I away with all of your talent, creativity and general awesomeness!

You help catch our mistakes and point them out kindly.

You help us by choosing one distinct project when you may have a longer list.

On the finishes party you’ve even pointed out your original goal post and some of you even list the # you are on the link up.  Seriously makes our life easier.


We are so happy to be doing this.

We get to channel fantastic sponsors directly to you.

Did you know that we aren’t being compensated for ALYoF .. at all.

Definitely a bit jealous of all the amazing prizes that we give away each month, but so happy for the winners!

We only highlight sponsors as part of the ALYoF link-up’s. We aren’t compensated to do any extra posts on our blogs.

The only compensation we have is the finishes we have completed. Here is a collage of mine from last year:

2013 ALYoF - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comThis is just a hair brain idea that we came up with.

We have each other – thankfully! And YOU!


Thank you for linking up with us. Sharing your projects with us and others.

We love to have comments on the things we all make.


As always.  If you have any questions email Shanna or myself.

Make sure you come by tomorrow and check out our March feature!!


13 thoughts on “A Lovely Year of Finishes – Musings”

  1. Thank you Melissa and Shanna for starting this amazing project. It has really helped me focus each month and I feel like a winner each time I meet my goal. Bless you both for keeping A Lovely Year of Finishes alive.

  2. I have certainly fallen short of my goals so far this year. But I think I will make it this month! Thanks for the motivation!

  3. Tiffany Bohland

    Thanks to you and Shanna…Love the linky parties, even when I don’t participate, it’s cool to see what you and everyone else is up to 🙂

  4. I’ve fallen a little behind in posting on time but I have really enjoyed the ALYOF experience. It was a godsend last year in giving me something creative and positive to focus on. You all do a such wonderful job. It’s lovely that you’ve put together a space where making, creativity, friendships and good come together.

  5. I think it’s always easier to accomplish something when there’s group encouragement. I would link up even if there were NO prizes. What a concept. =) If you are paying for blog space, I would be happy to contribute $ toward that, because I get so much inspiration from your blog.

  6. Thanks for keeping the LYoF going! I am sure it is a lot of work for you both, but I appreciate the motivation! Your finishes look wonderful!

  7. Can I just say,you and Shanna are so good to us for doing all the hard work behind the scenes to make ALYOF possible! You two Rock 🙂 Because of you I have had 14 months of lovely finishes myself. Thank You.

  8. I thank you an Shanna for all of the administration and coordination you put into ALYoF! This is my first year to participate and it has already helped me to complete three goals…THANK YOU! My ADD mind if feeling much better about actually finishing things instead of constantly starting new things 🙂

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