Flowering and Bursting Lone Star Pattern Launches!

I am very excited to announce the launch of two new patterns to my Craftsy Shop!  The two patterns available are the Flowering Lone Star and the Bursting Lone Stars.  I am offering these patterns as individual patterns or a combination download.

The Flowering Lone Star

 DSC_0734This was the original pattern I started with, the Flowering Lone Star. I made one for my cousin and quickly realized I needed to make one for me. I used some of my leftover diamonds (having cut way more than necessary) for the back, which is now it’s own pattern, Bursting Lone Stars.

Bursting Lone Stars

Bursting Lone Stars - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comI put a call out for testers back in June and some truly talented people took the call and tested for me!  You can see there amazing quilts and quilt tops below. Please be sure to visit their blogs too because they will have pattern reviews and giveaways this week!!!

Beth Bursting Lone Stars - beth-kinder.blogspot.comBeth, from My Husband’s Headache, tested the Bursting Lone Stars pattern, I just love use of solids and prints in the stars!

Amy Bursting Lone Stars - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comAmy, from @amybob3kids on Instagram, also tested the Bursting Lone Star pattern, I love the colors that she chose!

Diane - Flowering Lone Star - http://bella9studio.blogspot.com/2014/07/flowering-lone-star-pattern-testing.htmlDiane - Flowering Lone Star - http://bella9studio.blogspot.com/2014/07/flowering-lone-star-pattern-testing.htmlDiane from Bella 9 Quilting Studio tested the Flowering Lone Star pattern, she enjoyed it so much she did two! I love how changing the fabrics completely updated the entire quilt in the look and feel! Go here to read her review, she will also be hosting a giveaway for one of the patterns too so make sure you check that out!

Kris Front - http://sewsunshine.blogspot.com/ Kris Back -http://sewsunshine.blogspot.com/Kris from Sew Sunshine, also tested the Flowering Lone Star. I love how she masculine her quilt looks and the completely modern feel of her backing! Please visit her blog and make sure you enter her giveaway too!

Elizabeth - Bursting Lone Stars -http://andpins.wordpress.com/Elizabeth, from andpins.com, created this gorgeous modern take on the Bursting Lone Stars pattern. I love her use of solids and play with color value.  Make sure you visit her blog to ready about her experience with the pattern and enter her giveaway!

Lucy - Flowering Lone Star - http://www.charmaboutyou.com/Lucy, from Charm About You, created this stunning rainbow version of the Flowering Lone Star pattern. All of my regular readers know how much I love a good rainbow, so it goes without saying that I adore this quilt! Make sure to visit Lucy to read about her take on the pattern and enter her giveaway!

Mary - Flowering Lone Star - mary-quiltingrandma.blogspot.comMary, from Quiltin’ Grandma’s Blog, did this beautiful Flowering Lone Star quilt! I love her use of prints and play with values! Make sure to visit her blog to read about her experience with the pattern and enter her giveaway.

Sarah - Flowering Lone Star -https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comOne of my regular readers, Sarah R, created this stunning quilt from the Flowering Lone Stars pattern. I love how her star pops against that dark blue background. I also love how she staged her quilt for this picture, that is one area I really need to get better at!

Jo - Flowering Lone Star - http://createthepoint.blogspot.ca/Jo - Bursting Lone Stars - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comJo, from CReate the poinT, made the Flowering Lone Star quilt top and used the Bursting Lone Stars pattern for the backing (which is why the Bursting Lone Stars has an extra border around it).  I am in awe of how she made the Flowering Lone star with one quarter of the center star in white. It adds so much visual interest to the quilt. I also love how she used all solids for the fabrics. Very modern!  Please visit Jo’s blog to read her review of the patterns and later this week Jo will be hosting a giveaway for a pattern as well!

Carolyn - Flowering Lone Star - http://sweetboaterchick.blogspot.com/Carolyn - Bursting Lone Stars - http://sweetboaterchick.blogspot.com/My wonderful blogging from Carolyn, from Sweet Boater Chick, tested for me again. She has tested virtually every pattern I have released and is just wonderful! She decided to get an early jump start on her Christmas Sewing and created these two stunning tops.  I am excited to see how she quilts them. Make sure to visit Carolyn to read about her experience and enter her giveaway!

As I hope you can see, both of these patterns are very versatile. To purchase the Flowering Lone Star pattern, visit my Craftsy Shop, it is $9.00. The Bursting Lone Stars pattern is also available in my Craftsy Shop for $9.00.  I have decided to also offer a bundle of both patterns together for $12.00. All purchases are instant PDF downloads.

I hope you have a wonderful Monday!


13 thoughts on “Flowering and Bursting Lone Star Pattern Launches!”

  1. Congratulations on two brilliant patterns, all the quilts look so fantastic and really show how different and unique you can make them! I adore the Diane made with the Any Butler fabrics, so bright and fun! Thanks again for letting me test and hold a giveaway on my blog 🙂

  2. WTG on the patterns Melissa! Everyone has a different take on the quilts with all the fun fabrics. I love how they all turned out. It was so much fun to do the test of the Flowering Lonestar. I too want to thank you for letting me test and have a giveaway on my blog.

  3. Congratulations on the pattern launch! I’ve been so excited to see all the different versions of this quilt, and they sure don’t disappoint! They’re all so beautiful, especially Lucy’s rainbow version!

  4. Congratulations Melissa. All the quilts made using your patterns look fabulous and so very different! Thanks for letting me test it for you 🙂

  5. Congrats on the two new patterns. I’m always amazed at how different fabric choices can make such a huge difference. Thanks for sharing all the quilts.

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