baby quilt

Baby Quilt – Crossed Eyes Spied

Anne’s God Mother is having a baby boy in December. My gift to her and the little one is a baby quilt and a crib skirt. So far the quilt is coming along just lovely and I thought I would share a sneak peek with everyone today!

This quilt already has a name – “Crossed Eyes Spied” and it is my design – I am thinking once it is 100% done perhaps doing a Quilt-A-Long for it. I had so much fun making it and it went together shockingly fast!

I hope everyone is having a great week!

Finish-A-Long @ Quilter in the Gap

Do you follow Rhonda from Quilter in the Gap?  For 2012 she has decided to host a Finish-A-Long party each quarter of the year. I am excited for a couple reasons, one I am participating (I need to hold myself accountable for a few things!) and two because I am a guest blogger for the 3rd quarter (fun fun fun!).

Here are the projects I want to finish this quarter:

  1. Zig-Zag-Zoom Quilt for my Sister-In-Law – I am going to be a proud Auntie yet again in the Spring and that baby needs a FINISHED quilt!

    Small Section of the Quilt
  2. I have 2 Quilt”ish” designs in EQ7 that need to be turned into patterns and tested – no pictures now, but there will definitely be pictures on the finished post!
  3. I am participating in Jenna at SewHappyGeek’sSew. Happy. Quilt Along – I have all my fabrics purchased and I plan on making each block and finishing before the end of the quarter!

    Sew. Happy. Quilt Along Layout
  4. I need to make my last Pay it Forward gift – I am sure that my partner has probably given up all hope on me, even though I still have 6 months to make good!
  5. I want to make SOMETHING for Valentine’s Day!

I am hoping that goal setting such as this will help keep me honest with myself on my projects!

I am linking up this post here over at Quilter in the Gap. Join in the fun and win some cool prizes while you finish things up!

NOTE: Don’t forget, I am one of the bloggers who is going to lose Google Friend Connect in March 2012, please take a moment and follow me via Bloglovin’, Facebook, RSS or networked blogs.  You are important to me and I want to be able to stay in contact with you!  Check my side bar for all the best ways to stay in touch after GFC goes bye bye!


2011 A Year in Review

This year has been a year of creation for me. I have spent hours upon hours letting my creative self soar – something I have rarely allowed myself to do.  This year marks the first time in my life when I stopped following sewing and quilting patterns and started following my gut.  It has been incredibly liberating. I have made my own knitting and crocheting patterns for years – easy to do when you make a knitting mistake and end up liking that better than the original design.  Sewing though, was so much scarier for me. Cutting fabric has always seemed so final to me, like there is no going back. Knitting…I could just rip out my stitches and start over – no wasted materials or money, just time.

I learned this year that if I cut something and end up not liking it that I can hold on to that fabric and save it for a later project – ie. Bottled Rainbows.  I now view scraps and “mishaps” in a whole new way.  I also learned this year, as I mentioned earlier, to follow my gut. I know what I like and if I listen to my inner voice odds are everything will work out just fine. This is something that I have learned in both my crafting and personal life. Trusting yourself and your instincts is so important and I am so glad that I figured that out. It is so much more fun to sew now. I am not afraid.

I have a few goals for 2012. I am going to list them in no particular order with no real timeline in mind other than to do them at some point this year.

  • Make several more dresses for Anne (I won 4 patterns from Hopeful Threads by Lily Bird Studio and I really want to use those patterns!)
  • Learn to use the serger my mom gave me
  • Practice FMQ and attempt to keep up with the challenges over on SewCalGal’s blog
  • Publish at least 2 patterns
  • Turn the 3 quilt tops that I have already finished into quilts
  • Do more handmade gifts
  • Play More!!!

Do you set yearly goals? How do you hold yourself accountable? Better yet, do you hold yourself accountable?

NOTE: Don’t forget, I am one of the bloggers who is going to lose Google Friend Connect in March 2012, please take a moment and follow me via Bloglovin’, Facebook, RSS or networked blogs.  You are important to me and I want to be able to stay in contact with you!  Check my side bar for all the best ways to stay in touch after GFC goes bye bye!

Work It Wednesday

Are you working it? We are!

This week I’ve got a lot going on. I finished my knitting needle case, here is a sneak peak:

Now I am working on a crochet hook case for all you hookers out there!

A friend of mine is having a baby so I bought a simple quilt kit. Every baby should have something homemade!

And finally! This Wednesday has also turned into a Fix It Wednesday for me. Anne has a habit of being a bit forceful when tearing headbands off her head and I have a bunch that need fixing.

Oh and I almost forgot! My new darning foot arrived. I am playing around with it and practicing. I want to get really good with it before I use it on the butterfly quilt, I don’t want any hugely noticeable mistakes!

Geez! I have a lot going on!  What are you working on?

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