Bee Awesome

Bee Awesome January Blocks

Hi Everyone! I had hoped to put this post up last week, but I spent Friday with a bloggy friend. I was so excited to finally meet in person. We have been facebook friends for a year and a half now so it was pretty cool to see her and talk and go shopping! The when Anne woke up from her nap on Friday afternoon she had a fever.  The fever is still hanging on strong. We went to the doctor yesterday and they tested her for strep throat (which was awful, took 3 of us to hold her down to get the swab).  The rapid test came back negative, but they are of course doing a culture. We will see what happens, I’m pretty sure it is just a virus but you have to be careful.

Last weekend, I was able to finish my Bee Awesome blocks. This month the queen bee, Kathy, sent out 8 inch squares of telephone pages with a strip of white glued to the middle and an envelope full of scraps. She asked us to make string blocks but to add some fabrics from our own stashes and she also requested that we NOT trim them. Here are my blocks that I sent.

String Blocks

What have you all been up to?

November Bee Awesome Blocks

Before Anne and I went on holiday this month I put 700 miles on my car driving back and forth from her’s and my doctor appointments. It was A LOT of appointments and a bit stressful. Then we arrived to our vacation spot and as you know things didn’t really improve too much. I honestly didn’t know if I was going to be able to meet all my commitments, but I am happy to report that I got all my bee blocks done!

Bee Simple Blocks

Block 3

Block 2

Block 1I do have one more thing to make, but I will be turning that in “late”. It is a siggy block for my stripper row, but the lovely Shanna said it was ok if I sent that to her directly after I make it. This means that the Christmas sewing can commence!

A Moment of Silence

Did you notice that I wasn’t here yesterday? I decided that in honor of 9/11 I would take a moment of silence on my blog. There are so many emotions tied up in the day. I remember exactly how I found out about the Twin Towers. I lived in CA, so it was 5:52 am when the first plane hit. I worked with my mom at the time and she was already at our office. She called me in a panic and told me not to come to work, she didn’t want me to have to drive across the San Francisco Bay that day. I went over to my God Father’s house, he is a retired marine, and spent the day with him. I was too jittery to be alone, and I was petrified with my dad working in San Francisco and my mom having to get on a bridge to come home.  Every year since meeting my husband 9/11 has taken a different meaning for me. The sacrifice hits that much closer to home.  So that’s why I wasn’t here yesterday, I wanted to take the time to really think about what happened all those years ago.

The past 2 days I have been sewing like crazy and I wanted to show you some of my projects:

September blocks for Bee Awesome. Sheetal asked for Creams, Whites, and pops of warm happy colors. She mentioned that she loved mustard yellow, burnt orange and red. I noticed in the blocks she already had that a few had included some aqua and gray, so I threw those colors in thinking they would blend in nicely.

These are the September blocks for the Trust Circle of Do.Good Stitches. We were requested to make the Woven Block from Jenna’s Sew. Happy. Quilt. QAL back at the beginning of this year in warm bright colors. I hope I hit the mark!

I also joined a different type of bee and it starts October 1st. You may recognize some of the blocks below from pictures I posted on Facebook.

Each of us in the Bee are making a starter row and then we will ship our row off to the next person who will use our row as inspiration.  We were able to set basic guidelines and request colors. My guidelines are that each block include at least 1 flying goose (can you tell that I LOVE flying geese?) and that the colors are rainbow colors – ROYGBIV.  This quilt will be for the day bed in our play room so I want it to be bright and happy! I am so excited to ship it off and see what the next person comes up with and adds to it!

I hope everyone is having a great hump day!

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