Bee Blocks

August Finish!

I finished! That’s right people! I finished my goal. I bet you thought I was going to miss since I waited until the last possible second to post.

Now I just need to package this up and mail it to my mom. I would give anything to be able to deliver it in person this year but that just isn’t in the cards. The bright side is that at least she will have it.

Quilt Stats:

Name: Purple Bee Quilt
For: My Mom!
Size: 75″ x 75″
Quilting: Straight line on angles, done by me!

Today is the last day to link up to A Lovely Year of Finishes for your August finishes – so make sure you get on it!

August Bee Blocks

August is a light month for bee blocks, well, July was even lighter, as I didn’t make any. This month I only have 2 blocks for Do. Good Stitches Trust Circle. We are working on another boy quilt, which is fun but hard for me, as I have WAY more girl prints than boy prints. It took me probably 3 times as long to pick out fabrics than it did to make the actual blocks. Does that ever happen to anyone else?

Trust Circle - Do Good Stitches - August 2013 Blocks

We were asked for primary colors in Red, Orange, Yellow, Green and Blue, we were also told that novelty prints were fine. Thank goodness! The tutorial is from The Sometimes Crafter and the block is called {Patchwork} Square in a Square.  Most of my seams matched up fairly well, but there were a couple that…well, let’s just say don’t look too closely.

That’s it for August as far as bee blocks go. I am still deciding whether or not I want to sign up for 3×6 in the fall. I need about 12 more blocks for the quilt I’ve been working on but I think I need a bit of a break since my RA medications got changed again and I am just so exhausted now. The saying goes “Better living through chemistry” but right now I’m not so sure that is true, then again, living without the chemistry wasn’t so much better than now…

Have a happy Wednesday. Shanna and I will be here tomorrow with your mid-month linky party, I hope everyone is making good progress on their goals!

August Goal Setting Party – A Lovely Year of Finishes

It is August. I am a bit in shock by that, but not really. I have been steadily chipping away in July at this month’s goal. I want/need to finish my mom’s birthday present. Her birthday is in September and this is my git er done month. I will finish the quilting and bind my mom’s birthday quilt. Here’s my quilting progress to date:

I learned this awesome tape technique from the wonderful Julie at Intrepid Thread. It is a great way to get straight lines without having to mark up your quilt. These lines are already done and I taped some fill in lines the next day:

All that is left is borders and binding (oh and I have to pick out a binding – I suck at that).


What one item will you choose to do for August?

You have two requirements to be entered into the prizes this month.

1. Link-up {on this post} the first 7-days of the month


2. Link-up in the last 7-days of the month.

Add your blog post or flickr photo (with appropriate descriptions) to the linky party below.

Please grab a button or link back to Shanna and I so other people can join in the fun!

 **Please note, the linky party is the same here and over at Shanna, so there is no need to enter twice **

 For those unsure of how to link up go check out our Q&A Page for A Lovely Year of Finishes – there are instructions on how to link up from a blog and from Flickr.

Grab a button from my sidebar and spread the LOVE!

Oh yeah and there are prizes this month (as always!), here is what our fantastic sponsors are offering:

August Prizes Include:

 1. Choice of $15 or 2 charm packs from Stitch n’ Giggles

2. $25.00 Gift Certificate to Superior Threads

3. Riley Blake Designs – fat quarter bundle {one of their latest lines}

4.  $15.00 Gift Certificate to Fat Quarter Shop

5. Paper Pieces prize donated from Paper Pieces

6. Quilting Patterns designed by Quilting Lodge


 Thanks for joining in! You have til the 7th to link-up.

There’s an optional mid-month check-in.

And you’ll have to link up anytime on the last 7 days of the month.


This week I have been working on my mom’s birthday present. On Monday I put together the backing, Tuesday I had every intention of basting it but I got distracted by my crazy block, and yesterday I finally basted it! Woohoo! I have exactly 2 months from now to get this thing quilted, bound and mailed. I don’t want to miss my deadline!

Basting this took me 2 hours and I really do think I am officially crazy now because I started a new leg workout this week and WOW did this about kill my thighs! There are about 250 pins in the quilt because I am terrified of it shifting while I quilt it. Now, keeping in mind that I will be quilting this on my home machine, what do you think? How should I quilt this gorgeous quilt?

Got Mail?

It is entirely possible that I might need to go to the post office either today or tomorrow…

What you are seeing starting on the left is a batch of my dad’s favorite cookies – I would explain why but I am super emotional about it and I don’t want to cry as I write.

Then you see the quilt I blogged about yesterday for my new Modern Quilt Guild Chapter and the quilt I made for my mom…which I don’t think I ever showed finished pictures of (note to self, photograph it and do that!). On top of the quilts are 6 bee blocks that need to be packaged up.

Next to that is a pile of already packaged stuff. Another 6 bee blocks, a thank you note to an amazing friend who is just so supportive, wonderful and thoughtful, a swap package from a monthly fat quarter swap group (if you are interested leave me a comment with your flickr name and I will invite you to the group) and some charms from a swap that I need to send because I can’t resist a good charm swap. LOL

So yeah…I think I need to go to the post office, what do you think?

Happy Thursday!


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