chevron block

4th of July Chevron Block Tutorial

Chevrons seem to be all the rage these days. I have seen them EVERYWHERE!

I decided that it was time to add my own take on the situation and it is made in 4th of July celebratory colors!

This is a block that I made for a block swap I participate in, my partner asked for Red, White & Blue and I thought a tutorial might be in order!


Each square measures 4 1/8″ to get a 3.5″ block after cutting.

Top Chevron – White – 2 squares
Second Chevron – Light Blue – 4 squares
Third Chevron – Medium Blue – 4 squares
Fourth Chevron – Dark Blue – 4 squares
Fifth Chevron – Red – 2 squares

6.5″ square
Marking pen or pencil

Sewing – (make 12 Half Square Triangles)

Step one: white and light blue, right sides together – take a 6.5″ square ruler and a marking pen/pencil and go corner to corner – see example:

Step 2: Line up your foot on the line and sew along each side with a 1/4″ seam.

Sorry for the orientation of the pic – I had trouble rotating it 🙁

Step 3 – Cut the squares apart on the line

Press your seams – depending on how you put your chevrons together you will want to press towards the dark or the light fabric.

Construct your chevron block:

Follow my block for constructing your finished block

Sew your rows together. Top row – press your seams left, next row down – press your seams right, next row – press your seams left, bottom row – press your seams right.

Sew your rows together – the cutting measurements above will get you a 12.5″ square block.

Remember, you don’t have to do your chevrons in so many different colors, you can use as few as 2 or as many as 5.  Good luck!

I hope you have a Happy and Safe Fourth of July!

Here’s where I’m linking up this week.

Happy Birthday to Me & Giveaway for you!

This Giveaway is closed.

Today is my 30th Birthday. For my 30th birthday my husband decided to be the most wonderful man in the world! He bought me a brand new Janome Horizon 7700!

Even the box is pretty – it weighed 26 lbs!

I took pictures of the unpacking and setting up process. I was just so giddy!

Toys (also known as feet – 15 in all, and instruction manual w/DVD)
So pretty!
All set up with her extension table!

I finished my first quilt block on her the day after I opened the box. Check it out!

Chevrons are all the rage – look for a tutorial on this block later this month!

I have already decided that she is a she, but I don’t know what I want to name her…which is where my giveaway comes into play.

I want our faithful brother lover readers to suggest names for my sewing machine.  You will have three chances to win some fabulous prizes!

There will be one grand prize winner who will receive…

A Heather Bailey pattern for the Happy Stacker Ring Toy, Small Stash Sewing: 24 Projects Using Designer Fat Quarters (forward by Amy Butler), and one “Little Wallet” (the pattern is by Valori Wells, and it is made by yours truly).

2 versions of the “Little Wallet”

Mr. Random Number Generator will pick a second winner and that person will also receive a wallet

Wallet winners will get to choose between a small wallet for business cards or a large wallet that can hold a Blackberry/iPhone/iPod with a Bluetooth headset – the fabric will be out of my stash and will not necessarily be one of the wallets pictured above)

Here’s how to enter:
  1. Leave me one comment with a name suggestion for my new machine
  2. Follow our blog and leave a second comment telling me that you are a current or new follower
  3. Like us on Facebook and leave me a comment here telling me that you did

**** for a bonus entry – blog, twitter or facebook about this giveaway and comment with the link that you did!

Make sure to tell me which type of wallet you want with each entry – small or large is good enough 🙂

This contest will be open from July 2nd until July 7th. This giveaway is now closed. The winner will be announced on Friday, July 8th.  Good Luck and get creative with those names!!!

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