Christmas sampler

Vintage Christmas Sampler – Traditional 9 Patch

In my Vintage Christmas Sampler I wanted to make sure I had some very traditional blocks and also some new blocks that I designed. One of the most basic blocks for any quilter is a nine patch block – so much can be done with a 9 patch block. In the Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns there are 3 chapters with over 550 different types of 9 patch blocks! Mine is the most absolute basic.

As I said, this block is super easy and made with large (ish) scraps.

You will need nine 4.5 inch squares – remember this block is versatile and can be done with vintage or with updated modern prints!

Lay out your squares in lots of different arrangements until you find one you like.

Using a 1/4 inch seam – sew your rows together. Press your top row seams to the right, middle row to the left and bottom row to the right again – this will assist you in matching up your squares when finishing the block.

Sew your rows together making an unfinished 12.5″ block. Congratulations – you have now completed the most basic 9 patch block – the sky’s the limit now!

For more vintage block tutorials – check out my Vintage Christmas Sampler Tutorial page.

Vintage Christmas Sampler – Wonky Barnfence Tutorial

This time I am going a little bit more modern with my block – I have made a Wonky Barn Fence. It is still entirely out of vintage fabrics – but the only measuring I did was cutting my squares.

This was such an easy block to put together!


Multiple strips in different sizes
Rotary cutter
Quilting ruler – I used a 6.5″ x 6.5″
Cutting Mat

Here are my strips – as you can see, there is no real rhyme or reason to mine – I just wanted to make sure there were no two combinations that matched.  You will use a 1/4″ seam throughout!!!

Easy as 1, 2, 3!

Step 1: Sew your blocks – you will need 9 blocks measuring 4.5″ x 4.5″ each

Step 2: Lay out your squares and sew your rows together
Step 3: Sew your block together
Blocks don’t get much easier than that! Unless you are just doing a simple 9 patch.
Looking for more vintage blocks? Check out my list here.
Good luck!

Log Cabin Quilt Block Tutorial

The log cabin is one of the most basic quilt blocks. There are also several variations – Half Log Cabin, Star Log Cabin and Court House Steps.

Here is what your basic Log Cabin block looks like

Traditionally they are done with light and dark value fabrics, but truly anything goes. Check out this Flickr Group that is just for Log Cabins, you can also check out Sunni’s modern take on a Log Cabin block here.
Get the know how after the jump!

Another GO! Christmas Block Tutorial – Blueberry Pie Variation

Here is another GO! Christmas Block tutorial for your sewing enjoyment!

I found this block on Quilting Board when I was searching for Christmas Block inspiration. I changed the layout ever so slightly and I am really pleased with how it turned out. This could be easily updated with modern fabrics!

GO! Christmas Block Tutorial

As you may already know I received a beautiful new sewing machine for my birthday – but what you may not know is that my wonderful husband also surprised me with an AccuQuilt GO!

Isn’t it pretty?!?

I used my GO! to make my latest quilt block for my Christmas Sampler Quilt.  I found a diagram for the block on quilting forum but NO instructions – so all the quilting math is my own.

I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out – get the know how after the jump!

Bust out your GO! Value Die and cut out your shapes – this took me less than 10 minutes – I am in love!

For those quilters who do not have a GO! yet, you will need the following:

1 Red Square – 4.5 inches
4 White Squares – 2.5 Inches
4 Light Print Squares – 2.5 Inches
12 Green Squares – 2.5 Inches
12 HSTs with White and Red fabrics – 2.5 Inches (for HST instructions see my Chevron Block Tutorial)

Assemble your corner squares:

Sew 1 HST to 1 Green Square. Sew two HSTs together.  Connect them to make a square – should measure 4.5 inches. Do this 4 times.

These are your corner squares

Assemble your center Squares:

Sew two green squares together, then sew one white and one light print together.   The sew these together to make a 4.5 inch square.

Layout your rows:

You have now assembled your block!

Have you made a version of this block before?  Have you used a GO! to make it?  This is the first block of my series that I have done using the GO! and I have to tell you that it measure EXACTLY 12.5 inches, it is amazing how accurate cutting and an accurate 1/4″ seam can help in that aspect. Tune in next week for a mini tutorial on how to get an accurate 1/4″ seam!

Make sure you check out the other blocks and tutorials in my vintage sampler.  And don’t forget this block could easily be updated to a more modern block by simply changing the fabrics!!!

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