Contemporary Cloth

Contemporary Cloth – A New Direction

Many of you know that I am a huge fan of Contemporary Cloth. Aside from the fact that Sondra, the owner, is a simply wonderful person and soul, she also stocks an amazing selection of fabrics. In an effort to survive and keep sewing in these trying economic times, Sondra has recently over-hauled her pricing scheme and philosophy for Contemporary Cloth, you can read about it here.

How this impacts you, the fabric enthusiast/hoarder/collector/insert term of choice – I personally like enthusiast, my husband says hoarder…  Sondra will still be offering all of the amazing Japanese Yuwa fabrics and hand dyed fabrics that have always been unique to Contemporary Cloth, and she will also continue to stock home dec fabrics and her wonderful selection of modern fabrics, but you will notice some price differences.  The upside for you, many of the prices will be lower now!  (Please note the price changes do not include the specialty Yuwa’s or the hand dyed – one of a kind fabrics.) Check out some of my favorite new lines that Sondra is now carrying, and yes, this first one I totally have on order with her!

Mecca for Moderns:

This line is coming in May – Ride by Julia Rothman:

Tsuru Bundle – by Cloud 9:

So make sure you head over to Contemporary Cloth, check out their amazing selection of fabrics and take advantage of some of the newer and LOWER prices! I’ve already done my shopping – shhhhhh! Don’t tell my husband!

Valentine’s Day Winners

Hi Everyone! Happy Valentine’s Day!  I will let you in on a little secret, I am actually not a big fan of Valentine’s Day, ever since I was a kid.  When I was little I got really sick on Valentine’s Day, I actually ended up in the hospital and ever since then I’ve just not been overly interested in the day. Don’t get me wrong, I am so happy to have Mr. SBD (thanks Katy for christening him that!) home, but I told him last night that if he hadn’t already done something, to not to. I am just so happy he is home and that is all I need.

Now on to the winners from the wonderful welcome home giveaway courtesy of Contemporary Cloth!

The winners are….

Cal and usairdoll

I will be emailing you both shortly! Congratulations!

I hope everyone will be back tomorrow! The mid month check in will be up for A Lovely Year of Finishes and I will be unveiling my fourth quilt block for my row!

Hurry Up and Wait! (And a giveaway!)

Sometimes that is the motto of the army. Hurry Up and Wait!  It can drive an army wife nuts, especially when you are waiting for your loved one to come home.  This weekend, after SIX separate delays, my husband came home to us. I can’t remember the last time I cried so many tears of joy, oh wait, yes I can, it was the last time he came home 2 years ago! I thought I would share some pictures with you, but for those who have never been to a military homecoming ceremony, I will explain how this works.

First you get a phone call saying when your husband will be home, if you are lucky, he comes home on the day and time given, if you are less lucky, you will have multiple changes and delays.  You occupy your time by making welcome home signs, baking, and in our case recovering from being ill.

Anne was up at 6:30 the day her daya came home begging me to make our sign:

When the big day comes you typically go to a gym, most of the wives and children are dressed to the nines (we want to look our best for our loved one) and then we wait. There is a projection screen set up and it is usually focused on an airfield – where your husband’s plane is going to land. You haven’t heard screaming until that plane suddenly appears on that screen.

After the plane lands, the soldiers start to disembark and the screams get a little louder as wives and children start to recognize their loved ones! When Anne saw her Daya, she thought he was right outside the building and took off running to go get him, luckily my mom was faster than her and caught her before she got outside! After they arrive it is another 2-3 hours before you get to see them in person, they have to in-process at the base – luckily they turned a movie on for the kids to watch while they waited for their daddies.

The hardest part of the whole ceremony is when they start to raise the screen and you see those army boots. All you want to do is run and you have to stay put.  I had to pick Anne up and hold her back from running out to her daya.

Then they march towards you and you have to listen to the commander give a speech while you stare at your loved one and wish for him to be in your arms.

Anne was a trooper – she had a little fun while she was waiting.

Then finally finally, when the speech making is over, he is yours! For 48 hours anyways, after that he goes back to work.

So there you have it, there are army boots in my house again! Oh yeah, and I totally missed the first half of the Super Bowl, picking this guy up was way more important 🙂

I would like to say a personal thank you to all of my wonderful friends who have stood by my side this past 9 months. You have made this deployment so much easier and I am so grateful for each and every one of you.

I know I said there would be a giveaway at the top of this post. My wonderful friend Sondra (who has literally checked on me every single day for the last 9 months) from Contemporary Cloth wanted to help me celebrate our special reunion with a giveaway to her store, two of my awesome readers will win a $20.00 gift certificate to Contemporary Cloth!

As you hopefully already know, Contemporary Cloth specializes in unique fabrics not often seen anywhere else, Japanese Yuwa fabrics, organic fabrics, an outstanding selection of solids and so much more!

This giveaway will be open until February 13, 2013, I will announce the winner on Valentine’s Day – which will be extra sweet for us this year!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you haven’t already, make sure you enter your goal for February over on our Lovely Year of Finishes party! Tomorrow is the last day to link up. You only need to set one goal for each month.

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day – Courtesy of Contemporary Cloth

Hello and welcome to Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day 2012. Thank you Sew Mama Sew for organizing all of this wonderful fun! If this is your first time to my blog WELCOME! I am a quilter and designer. You can find more than fifty free tutorials on my tutorials page. I blog about my adventures in quilting, my forays into clothes sewing (which admittedly scares the pants off me) and occasionally what it is like have an autoimmune disease, being an army wife and being the mom of a toddler. For those who are regular followers of my blog already, WELCOME and Thank You for sticking with me!!!

Today’s giveaway comes courtesy of Sondra from Contemporary Cloth.  Contemporary Cloth is your destination for Japanese Yuwa fabrics, Art Gallery and Kona Solids, Organic Fabrics, and they have new fabrics arriving all the time.  What I love most about Contemporary Cloth is the they sell fabrics that I seldom ever see anywhere else.  There are always unique treasures to be found that will add charm and character to your current project and/or stash.  Sondra has generously provided a 6 Fat Quarter Bundle of Daisy Janie’s new line – Tilly.

Please follow the Rafflecopter below to enter. The giveaway will be open until 5pm PST on December 7th. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Remember September Contemporary Cloth Giveaway

Sondra at Contemporary Cloth has been our greatest supporter and cheerleader for our Remember September project since she first heard of it! She has provided fabric, tutorials, prizes and helped spread the word. We are so very grateful for her and her generosity and warm friendship.


Now, if that wasn't enough, she is being even more fabulous and incredibly generous and Contemporary Cloth is sponsoring a giveaway you are going to LOVE!!!
If there is one thing I never have enough of in my stash it's SOLIDS! And just look at this gorgeous bundle!!!
20 FAT QUARTERS! In a lush rainbow of colors and organic cotton!
It makes me SMILE! How about you!?!?
Wouldn't you like to add this to your STASH??? :)
Giveaway open to all. Winner will be randomly selected, emailed and announced here 9/21/12. Winner has 48 hours to respond or an alternate winner will be selected.
Thank you Contemporary Cloth!!!!
Good Luck to All!
While you are here, take a minute to learn more about our September project. We'd love to have you be a part!



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