Custom Quilting

Elephants Go A Marching

Woohoo! I’ve got another finish under my belt for 2018! I finished the quilt that I’m calling “Elephants Go A Marching.” If you know the real name, tell me in the comments and feel free to link to the pattern!

I decided to do a simple all over meander on this quilt. Sometimes, simple really is better. especially for a baby quilt. This baby will be born in the Spring and lightly quilted quilts are always better in the warmer months!

You can kind of see the meander in the picture above, but here is a close up.

For this quilt, I decided to take Spike off the stitch regulator and I forgot how much I like working without it. So much more control! The background in the quilt is actually white, but again, we’ve had a few days of cloudy weather so it’s hard to get bright pictures.

Photo quality issues aside, isn’t this quilt just so darling!

I hope you all have a wonderful Monday and a great week!!

What’s on Spike?

I decided to start a new feature on my blog called “What’s on Spike?” I will show you what I’m work on. The only thing you all need to know is that I don’t always know the names of the patterns that my customers use, so unless I direct you to a link for the pattern, the names I will say are just what I call them for my own record keeping.

I’m calling this darling baby quilt “Elephants Go A Marching.” I’ve no idea what the real name is, sorry!


Hi Everyone! I’m back!

Proof of Life!

It’s so good to be back in my studio and hanging out with Spike again. I’ve missed him terribly. I finished my student teaching last Friday. I was blessed to work with two amazing mentor teachers. In the fall I worked with an awesome 6th grade teacher, who is also a quilter! BONUS! In the winter, I did my 450 hour internship with an awesome 8th grade teacher who was so supportive. I learned so much from him and my incredible 8th graders, who I miss so very much! Shout out to my kiddos from Bush Middle School! While I wait for my university and the state to process my certifications, I am firing Spike up and getting back to work. I’ve got a stack of customer quilts a mile high!

This is the first one I will be working on. I’m told this gorgeous quilt will become a car seat cover. Lucky baby!

You will be seeing a lot more of me now that I’m done with student teaching. Now the job search begins, cross your fingers!

Have a great Wednesday!

Spiked Pinwheels

Hello! I am still alive, I promise. I’ve been working on my Master’s degree the last 8 months and have not had much time for quilting. That being said, I still do have patterns coming out! My latest one, called Spiked Pinwheels, is in Issue 21 of Modern Quilts Unlimited!

This quilt is a monochromatic design made in American Made Brand solids, which are so awesome to work with! It’s a new take on the classic pinwheel design using half rectangle triangles. I quilted this beauty on Spike with double batting, so it is thick and luxurious.

So the next time you are at the bookstore make sure you pick up Issue 21, some of my favorite designers are in this issue, including Vicki of Orchid Owl Quilts.

Keep on quilting and I will keep on studying!


Customer Quilt – Shanna’s Postage Stamp Quilt

Sorry I have been so absent lately, family life needs to always come first and Anne is my number one concern. I only have a few minutes to type this while she is busy with a task and I just finished up my latest customer quilt. To see my most recent finishes check out my Facebook Page or my Instagram Account!

Have you ever felt like you’ve been given an extremely special gift? That’s how I felt last month when Shanna from Fiber of All Sorts asked me to quilt her very first quilt top that she made!  I felt so incredibly honored and at the same time scared! It had to be perfect because this it this quilt that made her a quilter!

I decided it needed curvy orange peels, and LOTS of them!

Postage Stamp Quilt - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comDoesn’t the texture just look completely fantastic? For some reason my camera is struggling to take good pictures from far away, I will have my tech guy (also known as my dad) look at it at Christmas, but in the meantime here is a somewhat blurry picture that does not do this quilt any justice at all!

Postage Stamp Quilt - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comThe texture on the back looks pretty darn amazing too!

Postage Stamp Quilt - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comI just love those curvy orange peels!

Remember I do custom quilting work, I am now offering a very limited selection of extra wide backings and my rates start as low as 1.5 cents per square inch for all over edge-to-edge designs. Please keep me in mind for all of your quilting needs. I can accommodate up to king size quilts on my frame!


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