
Not-So-Wordless Wednesday

Welcome back to another edition of Not-So-Wordless Wednesday. I missed last week, this month is going by far to fast for me and things that I don’t even want to think about are sneaking up on me. It’s enough to make a grown woman curl up in a ball.  In the mean time I have been trying to meet sewing deadlines and commitments. I have come to realize that Irene is my new best friend when it comes to piecing, she is deadly accurate and just a dream to sew on. She sits in front of Jan, my trusty Janome Horizon and go to for any type of quilting.  I don’t know why but when I walk into my sewing room and see the two of them like this it always makes me giggle.

Jan & Irene - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comI hope you have a very happy hump day!



Sunday I was struck with a tragedy…quite literally. I was struck by the needle of my precious sewing machine. OUCH!!!!! In case you missed that I will say it again: OUCH!!!!

I’m fine, I just barely missed bone and nail, so only the fleshy part of my finger was struck. Unfortunately that did some damage to my sewing machine. She is now in the shop for repairs.

She will be receiving the full spa treatment for the next week. I know what you are thinking, “Isn’t the title of this post ‘Blessed’?”

Why yes it is! Here is how I am blessed. This week off from modern technology has given me a chance to plug in a recent amazing gift I received. Here’s the box it arrived in:

Do you know what I received yet?

Here is another picture to help you along:

Do you know yet?

Well I will tell you. One of the 2 women who inspired me to quilt, gifted me her Singer Featherweight 221 three weeks ago. I have to say that when her son (my dad’s best man and vice versa) asked me if I wanted it, I simply burst into tears. I didn’t really have words. I have admired my Grandma Irene’s quilting for years (and for that matter her son’s quilting and her daughter in-law’s too).  It was her crazy quilt that got me hooked on the idea of having to make one and she is the person who saved fabric for me for years and years to I could make one.

I fired the Featherweight up today and it sewed like a dream. I couldn’t even believe how amazing she sewed. I looked up her serial number and based on that I figured out she was manufactured in 1949. When I am 64 I hope I am working as well as this sewing machine!  Grandma Irene, thank you so much. She is being well loved and well cared for. I am anxiously awaiting the day that I can teach Anne to sew on this beautiful machine. I just can’t imagine a better one to teach her one (when the time comes of course).

I decided to work on some Half Square Triangles that will be for a tablerunner. I’m in a secret swap and this seemed like the perfect kind of project to give her a test run on.

Here they are all done. I made 40 total and while I was sewing I learned how to wind the bobbin, thread the bobbin and thread the machine. It is such a cool learning process.

So, I may have sewn my finger and busted my Janome, but on the bright side I got to sew on this incredible machine gifted to me by an amazing sewist.

Happy Tuesday!signature

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