
Finish-A-Long Quarter 2 Goals

Oh my goodness, time to set some long range goals for myself. Not super long range, only the end of June, but nonetheless I need to do this to keep on track!

These goals are in not in order of priority.

1. I need to re-make my Flowering Lone Star in more modern fabrics and write the pattern.

Flowering Lone Star Front - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.com2. I need to make End of year teacher gifts – I’m thinking boxy pouches will be good and I have my awesome Craftsy class for my serger – they literally take about 30 minutes.Boxed Bag - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.com3. I need to finish my Hexie Swap project – my ALYOF April goal is to finish by the end of April, if I miss that goal, it isn’t due to ship until the beginning of May so I have some wiggle room.

DSC_02984. I need to quilt and bind my Modern Metallics challenge piece.

Modern Metallics Challenge -https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.com5. I need to make something for the Modern Quilt Guild Michael Miller Challenge. I don’t have a picture for this one, but I do have fabric!

Make sure you head over to Katy’s blog and link up! You have until tomorrow!

So there you have it 5 goals in 3ish months. Wish me luck!


Open Wide Zipped Pouch – Swapped


Last quarter I participated in a swap on Facebook for Zippered pouches, this is the one that I made my partner. She said that she liked the colors purple and aqua so I raided my stash. Both sides were different and scrappy. I love a good scrappy pouch.

Purple/aqua Tote side 1 - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comI followed the Open Wide Zippered Pouch tutorial from Noodlehead, for zipper insertion and changed the measurements for the rest of the pouch.

Here’s a shot of the inside, which I stuffed full of scraps before sending off.

Inside Purple/Aqua Pouch - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comThis was my last goal for the Finish-A-Long Q1 with Katy from The Littlest Thistle. You can see my goals here.

Woohoo! I can’t believe I finished all 4 and ON TIME too!!!

Have a happy Thursday everyone!


Q1 Finish-A-Long Goals

Finish Along 2014
Ok, I’m jumping in with both feet and setting some goals for the quarter to link up with Katy at The Littlest Thistle.  I’ve tried this link up before and failed big time, but I think this in combination with A Lovely Year of Finishes I might be more successful this time. I’m also setting much more reasonable goals this time!

So here we go, my goals!

1. I need to turn these lovely fabrics into a zippy pouch for a swap.

Zippy Pouch Fabrics -

2. Anne has requested a Giraffe Hoodie. I have purchased enough giraffe fleece to choke a horse and a wonderful pattern from Fishsticks Designs, all I need to do is get sewing!

Giraffe Hoodie Fabrics - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.com3. As a member of The Modern Quilt Guild, I am participating in the Riley Blake Design Challenge. The due date is February 17, 2014. I need to turn the fabrics below into an awesome quilt! (I have added extra Riley Blake Fabrics from my stash, so not all the fabrics in the picture are original to the challenge).

Riley Blake Challenge Fabrics - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.com4. I made this top on the first Saturday of the new year as a dry run for the Riley Blake Challenge. My design idea has changed slightly but I would like to quilt and bind this one before the end of the quarter. I already have a recipient in mind for it.

Lone Star Quilt Top -

I was going to have 5 goals, but I actually finished my 5th goal yesterday before I linked up, so I can’t count that one! I will show it to you when it is ready to ship off!

Thank you Katy for hosting, I’m ready for some awesome finishes this quarter!


Leftovers Pillow Tutorial

Feathered Star Leftovers PillowHappy Monday and Happy October Everyone!

Today I have a great tutorial for you but it isn’t here, it is over at Quilter in the Gap!

As it is October 1st it is time for everyone to link up what they finished this past quarter as part of the Finish-A-Long that Rhonda is hosting. I actually didn’t make a list for the 3rd quarter. I knew I was going to blow all my goals, so I didn’t set myself up for disappointment, but my list for the 4th quarter is definitely going to get written up!

For the next 7 days, Rhonda is going to have tutorials from some of your favorite bloggers and designers:

10/1 – Melissa (that’s me!) – Sew Bitter Sweet Designs
10/2 – Kelly V – Before School Starts I Quilt
10/3 – Sarah – Fairy Face Designs
10/4 – Cindy – Fluffy Sheep Quilting
10/5 – Sarah – In Stitches
10/6 – Jana – Studio 3 Twelve
10/7 – Sarah – Pings & Needles

Make sure you stop by here tomorrow too! It is my day on the Let’s Get Acquainted Blog Hop hosted by Beth of Plum and June.

Plum and June

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