Anne’s Not A Box

Yesterday Anne had more testing on her kidneys. When we do these tests we stay home all day, and she has to be relatively inactive (basically no running around wild like most days for a 3 year old).  We needed some nice calm activities. We started with a drive to our favorite berry stand and picked up some raspberries and blackberries and gorged ourselves on them. Then we busted out the paints!

Then Anne found a box! And we both remembered an awesome book we read at the library a couple of weeks ago “Not A Box” by Antoinette Portis. So what did we do? We painted Anne’s Not A Box!

And here she is, with it all loaded up and ready to go! By the way, she informed me “It’s not a box! It’s a Rocket Ship!” LOL

Anne was relatively calm and had a fantastic day! Seriously, if you have a young one with an active imagination, I highly recommend this book and making your own “Not A Box”!