
Janome 15000 – A Huge Win

About a month ago, I woke up to an email stating that I had won the grand prize from a marketing survey that I filled out. The prize, much to my surprise, was a Janome Horizon Memory Craft 15000.  At first I was in complete shock and slowly it turned to denial. Then a week and a half ago I received a phone call from Janome telling me where I could pick up the machine, from my local Janome dealer – South Sound Sewing.

Janome 15000 -

Winning this machine is such an incredible blessing and surprise. It is an embroidery, quilting and sewing combination machine and is even wi-fi enabled. It comes with an iPad mini that has 2 apps which are used to monitor the machine while it is stitching embroidery designs.  I have so much to learn.  One of the cool things about Janome, is that I come from a Janome family. I learned to sew on my mom’s Janome, I currently sew on a Janome Horizon 7700 and Anne is learning to sew on the same machine.

I thought it would be cool to have all three generations of sewing women together with the machine.

3 generations - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comAnne is so excited to try out the new machine, as soon as I sat down to look at the floor model she climbed right into my lap to look too!

Anne Sewing - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comMy machine is currently sitting in the box, but will probably be set up tonight or tomorrow. I cannot wait to see how she sews!

Janome 15000 - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comI think the the dealer, Julie, was just as excited as I was about my win.  The cool thing is that I bought my Horizon from her, so I guess you could say I will be a continuing customer for years to come. I’m also very, very glad that they offer lessons on how to use this machine, because I know I will be needing them!

South Sound Sewing - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comOne thing is for sure, this was my lucky day! I truly feel so incredibly incredibly blessed.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!!!


Happy Birthday Giveaway!

Today is my birthday. The cool thing is that I also share this birthday with one of my favorite people, so a quick shout out to my dear friend Cindy, Happy Birthday!

For my birthday I have decided to celebrate with a fun little giveaway just for you!

Fat Quarter Shop is offering one of my wonderful readers my favorite pre-cut!  I am a huge fan of the Layer Cake.  I have my eye on a couple different lines right now and if I got to choose, I would likely pick one of the following (if not both!):

Garden Party Tango 10 SquaresMelissa Ybarra of Iza Pearl Design for Windham Fabrics - Layer Cake Fabric  Fat Quarter Shop - Mozilla Firefox 6302014 85229 PM.bmpor

There is something that draws me in about those two lines.

Entering is simple, just follow the rafflecopter below! I hope you have a wonderful day!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Winner

I am late in posting, seems to be the story of my life this month, I’m sorry!

I am amazed and overwhelmed that I had a stunning 519 entries into my giveaway! I hope if you are new to my blog you will stick around, I promise I am not usually this scatterbrained!

I used the WordPress plugin, “And The Winner Is” to randomly select the winner. The winner is Crystal who follows via Facebook!

Congratulations Crystal! I will be emailing you shortly!


Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day!

Hi Everyone and happy Monday to you!  If you are new to my blog, welcome! If you are a regular here, welcome back! Normally on Monday I set goals for the week, but life happened and last week’s goal didn’t happen, so that will just move to this week.

If you are new here let me tell you a bit about myself. I used to work in marketing before my beautiful daughter, Anne was born 4.5 years ago, now I am a stay at home mom with a few addictions – quilting, cooking/baking and my garden.  My husband proudly serves in the US Army and I blog a bit about all of it.  Anne is a regular on my blog because she is the most important thing in my life!

I have a fun giveaway today – I thought I would giveaway a complete pack of all my patterns, you can see them here and in addition to that I am offering a charm pack of Honey Honey by Kate Spain.

Honey Honey Charm Pack - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comTo enter all you have to do is leave me a comment telling me your favorite time of year.

For a bonus entry, follow me on Instagram and leave me your name so I can follow you back! I am @SewBitterSweetDesigns

Don’t have Instagram, follow me on Facebook – and leave me a comment.

This giveaway is open until 5pm on May 16th, have fun!
Have a happy Monday and make sure you visit Sew Mama Sew to see all the other wonderful giveaways from around the world!


Traveling Stash Giveaway

Last month I won one of the traveling stash boxes. It was fun to win, at the time I didn’t now that there were actually 6 traveling stash boxes, who knew!  I went through the box and Anne claimed a couple of sparkly pink fabrics she wanted for the quilt that she is making (yup, at 4 years old she is not only a quilter, but a designer too!!!) and I threw in a few things from my stash:

Traveling Stash Additions - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comTo be eligible to win:

  • Be an active blogger
  • Update the log in the box with your information so others know who contributed
  • Follow the rules and guidelines in the box
  • You can take as much as you like from the box, but make sure you replace it with like or similar items
  • Items should be in new or like-new condition
  • Fabric should be quilt shop quality fabrics (the box is not meant to be a dumping ground for fabrics you do not like)
  • This is a US only giveaway

If you are interested, leave me a comment below. Anne will pick a winner on Monday April 28th.


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