
January Goal

Even though I am no longer hosting A Lovely Year of Finishes, I have some goals each month for myself, and for personal accountability I am going to be sharing them here each month. Besides, even without A Lovely Year of Finishes, I still want to share what I’m working on!

This month I am working on a new pattern that will be coming out in May for Make Modern Magazine. Today I did my test block, it is a paper piecing pattern and I wanted to make sure my measurements were dead on because I am working with very limited fabric to make this quilt. I have only 30″ x WOF for one of my main pieces, which means I am going to be very close on this one!

Since it is coming out in a magazine, I can only post teaser pictures, please forgive me knowing that all will be revealed in due time!

Spring Blossoms - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comAs far as linking my goal up for the world to see…well Heidi from Red Letter Quilts has taken up the torch and started her own linky party for monthly goals! Her party is called OMG – One Monthly Goal. I just love the name! So if you are looking for a new place to declare your goals, head over and visit the OMG tab on Heidi’s blog or click the button below.

I am so excited to start 2016 with a finish and I hope you are too!


Week 33 Goals

Some sewing got done last week, mostly just learning some of the basic features of my new Janome 15000. One of the things I love so far is that I really don’t have to ever lift the presser foot or even put it down. As soon as I press the pedal the foot lowers automatically and once I take my foot off the pedal the foot lifts automatically. Pretty cool if you ask me.

This week though, I am not setting a sewing goal, I am setting a survival goal. If I make it through this week, my mom (who is visiting this week), Anne and I will reward ourselves with a trip to Quilt! Knit! Stitch! in Portland.  Here’s hoping I survive!

Survive - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.com


Week 31 Goals

This week I just want to finish a quilt. The one I posted about last week for my Do. Good Stitches group. I am about 3/5 of the way done quilting, then I just need to trim and bind it. I am working at our local county fair on Wednesday and I would love to have a binding project to work on while doing my 3 hour shift. Anne will be with me too and I’m planning on bringing her DVD player to watch a couple movies on.

Do Good Stitches HST Quilt progress - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comAre you working on your July Finish? I have to admit that I don’t think I will get mine done, this has become my number one priority and I’m ok with that!

Have a great Monday!


Week 30 Goals

I have 3 goals this week. Number 1 is to get caught up on emails. Number 2 is to start getting caught up on all my wonderful blogging friends and what they have been up to.  Number 3 I want to finish piecing this top and get it basted if I can.

Do Good Stitches - HST Quilt - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.com

These are the blocks I requested from the Trust Circle of Do Good Stitches back in May when it was my month to be the quilter. I asked for the ladies to make their 2 favorite HST blocks using cool colors. I told them the quilt would be for a teenage girl. Can I just say that these ladies delivered!!! I feel so incredibly blessed to work with these women. I have connected with Kristy from Hopeful Threads to find this quilt a home and that is a whole different story that has made me cry several times.

Wish me luck as I work on this gorgeous quilt!

On a different note, today I am entering two quilts and a dress into our local county fair. I am nervous to put myself out there for “judging” but excited at the same time.

Have a wonderful Monday!


Where I’ve Been…and Week 29 Goals

Hello everyone! Did you miss me? I have been away on a family vacation and for the most part was able to truly unplug, at least from the blog anyways. I kept up on my email for pattern testing purposes and was on Instagram (@SewBitterSweetDesigns) If you follow me there you might know that we are just getting back from a trip to Disneyland. I will share some pictures here soon and I will also explain why we decided to be insane and take a 4.5 year old to Disneyland, but not today!

The winner from my birthday giveaway, and thank you to all who entered and left such sweet comments, is Kerry from the UK. She has been contacted and is very excited about her win!

Churn Dash - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comMy goal this week is 4 more of these and I have 5 more other blocks to make as well. Needless to say I will be sewing like a mad woman!


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