
Have a Haunting Halloween!

Happy Halloween Everyone!

I thought I would share a few pictures from Anne’s Halloween photo shoot. We have been having her picture taken professionally every year since her first Halloween.  This year was extra special because…I made her costume!!!

The dress pattern is the Gemini Jumper by Little Comet Tails, the hat is from Simplicity Pattern 2571. It is the hat in picture E.

I didn’t actually start out to dress her up as a witch, I started out to just make her a dress she could wear this month, but when she saw the dress she asked if it was her costume and I told her if she wanted it to be it could.   She originally wanted to be a pumpkin but it totally made my day that she wanted to wear the dress I made her!

Have a Happy Halloween!

Weekend Projects

This weekend I was going to pull fabrics for possible borders for my Vintage Christmas Sampler quilt, there’s only one problem with that…I’m out of fabric!  So the decision to go borderless was made for me!

While I was pulling fabrics, Anne decided to do the same thing. She spotted some Halloween fabric in my cabinet and went on the attack!  Everything was in a huge ziplock bag and she got out an entire WIP progress quilt and I’m sure from the expression on her face you can guess what she wants me to do…


This is a kit that my mom bought YEARS ago and I started making it last year but never finished it because that’s what we quilters seem to do!   So what do you think…do I give in to the whims of a 2 year old?  It might not be done in time for Halloween, but I do love to put a smile on her face!

Panel Transformation

My local quilt shop held a panel transformation contest last month. I totally blew the deadline because I had so much going on last month, but that didn’t stop me from making my project. You were supposed to take a panel and make it something more than just a panel.  I didn’t do that exactly. I saw this fabulous panel by Sheri Berry for Northcott, Costume Club. I took the panel and quilted, which you might say…that’s not really transforming it…stick with me people. I swear I did make it original!

(I bet you are wondering if I even quilted it after seeing this pic…)

(Do you see the quilting now? It is all the glowing green! – by the way the panel doesn’t glow, it is cleverly back lit with my TV)

(Light’s Out Costume Club)

This whole wall hanging came about because Anne is obsessed with Halloween and I LOVE nothing more than to put a smile on her face.  She fell in love with the panel and I knew I needed to do something that was going to be really neat in her 2 year old eyes.  In order to get the panel to glow I used Superior Threads NiteLite. I also purposefully chose colors to blend in when the lights were on so that the wow moment would be when you turned off the lights. Needless to say Anne was tickled!

Happy Halloween Everyone!


2011 A Year in Review

This year has been a year of creation for me. I have spent hours upon hours letting my creative self soar – something I have rarely allowed myself to do.  This year marks the first time in my life when I stopped following sewing and quilting patterns and started following my gut.  It has been incredibly liberating. I have made my own knitting and crocheting patterns for years – easy to do when you make a knitting mistake and end up liking that better than the original design.  Sewing though, was so much scarier for me. Cutting fabric has always seemed so final to me, like there is no going back. Knitting…I could just rip out my stitches and start over – no wasted materials or money, just time.

I learned this year that if I cut something and end up not liking it that I can hold on to that fabric and save it for a later project – ie. Bottled Rainbows.  I now view scraps and “mishaps” in a whole new way.  I also learned this year, as I mentioned earlier, to follow my gut. I know what I like and if I listen to my inner voice odds are everything will work out just fine. This is something that I have learned in both my crafting and personal life. Trusting yourself and your instincts is so important and I am so glad that I figured that out. It is so much more fun to sew now. I am not afraid.

I have a few goals for 2012. I am going to list them in no particular order with no real timeline in mind other than to do them at some point this year.

  • Make several more dresses for Anne (I won 4 patterns from Hopeful Threads by Lily Bird Studio and I really want to use those patterns!)
  • Learn to use the serger my mom gave me
  • Practice FMQ and attempt to keep up with the challenges over on SewCalGal’s blog
  • Publish at least 2 patterns
  • Turn the 3 quilt tops that I have already finished into quilts
  • Do more handmade gifts
  • Play More!!!

Do you set yearly goals? How do you hold yourself accountable? Better yet, do you hold yourself accountable?

NOTE: Don’t forget, I am one of the bloggers who is going to lose Google Friend Connect in March 2012, please take a moment and follow me via Bloglovin’, Facebook, RSS or networked blogs.  You are important to me and I want to be able to stay in contact with you!  Check my side bar for all the best ways to stay in touch after GFC goes bye bye!

It’s Sew Kiki Blog Swap

Today I have a little treat for our Brother Lovers – a blog swap with Kiera from It's Sew Kiki!  I have been following Kiera's blog for months and we recently became friends when I asked her for some help on a project.  We thought it would be a lot of fun to swap our blogs for the day.  She is sharing an adorable Halloween project – which is perfect because you will have plenty of time to get your holiday sewing in BEFOREHAND!  Take it away Kiera!


Good Morning!

Thank you so much to Melissa and Sunni for so generously letting me guest post! Don't you just love their blog? These ladies rock!

My name is Kiera and my blog is It's Sew Kiki  It's my little part of the Internet where I focus on sewing and quilting. I've got some great tutorials and free patterns. Please come and visit!

Today I'm going to share how to make this cute little Halloween Table Runner

Of course you can make this with any fabric. It would be a great scrap project. Get the know how after the jump!

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